Onaway Motor Speedway - Onaway MI

Address: 4624 M-33
City: Onaway
State: MI
Zip: 49765
County: Presque Isle
Number of visits to this page: 19064

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

From Track Website

Onaway Speedway was built in 1983 by Harry Moran in Northern Michigan. The track is an 1/4 mile oval asphalt.

H&D was the company who originally paved Onaway Speedway. Since then Jim and Krista had Freeburn Track Grinding out of Indiana Carbide grind the corners of the track in 2012. In 2011 all of the lighting and sound was upgraded By Jim and Krista DuBois.

Current Owner, Mike Sturgill, who is an avid racer and fan, decided to purchase the track in April of 2017. Sturgill is the sole owner and wanted to keep the sport of racing alive in the local area. Onaway Speedway is the only track in the Midwest to run Semi’s on the Oval Track as a regular class on their racing schedule each year.

The first year was extremely good, the track had an excellent car count and sellout crowds. Near the end of the 2017 racing season Mike sprang into action and had an uphill 1/8- mile asphalt drag track built to the North of the oval track. This made the Onaway Speedway home to the first uphill semi-truck drag racing venue in the United States. This creating The Great Lakes Big Rig Challenge, first held in May of 2018. Over the course of the 2018 oval track racing season Mike was trying to figure how best to make his facility more multi-faceted. September 2018, he added a sled pulling track and the first truck and tractor pulls were held on September 22,23, 2018.

The schedule for our oval track is every other weekend on Saturday night. Practice starts at 12:00pm, qualifying begins at 5:00pm and racing begins at 7:00pm. On any given weekend of racing the track has 80 plus cars qualifying and a minimum of 25 mini wedge karts. The mini wedge karts are driven by children 6-14 years old. This is prepping them to be our future oval track racers. On race nights we have 7 classes competing on the oval track. The very fast super late models and open wheel modifieds. The street stock division is divided into 3 classes: A class, B class and C class. The separation is based on qualifying times. A four-cylinder class of up and coming drivers. The final class on the oval track is the bobtail semi-trucks. These semis are retired and compete on all race nights, they always provided great entertainment. The mini wedge classes have their own track within the front stretch of the full oval track. The mini wedges run two separate classes based on age. The 6-9-year old’s run a restricted class and the 10-14-year old’s run an unrestricted class. The track offers a buy up program to oval track competitors to always ensure the best racing is happening at the track.

The new sled pulling track will offer another avenue for horsepower lovers to get their fix. The track intends to run trucks in three classes, stock, modified and open. Tractors in the lite limited class and super farm class and will entertain the idea of running other classes. Semi-trucks will also run on the sled pulling track.

Racing has been Mike Sturgill’s biggest passion his whole life, he owns 8 Outlaw Super Late Models and offers a buy up program to competitors to always ensure the best racing is happening on his track!

Click the following links for locations of interest nearby:
Info Updates:
3/2/2016 - J.R. Schmid
Track will be up and running for the 2016 season UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP. Call Gary or Lindsey Schmid for details 615-997-7812 opening nite is set for May 21st. 2016 7:00 p. m. Racetime.
1/16/2016 - Chris Sylvester
The track will be idle for 2016 for new renovations. Plans look to include facility updates and a figure 8 track.
6/30/2010 - Krista DuBois
I would like to update this information. The info looks like it was just updated last year, but the people who leased the track last year no longer are running it and we have purchased the track from the Palmer's. New contact information is Jim DuBois 231-758-0330 and Krista DuBois 231-844-2127. We have new pics and have made many improvements to the speedway. We changed the name back to it's original name Onaway Speedway and race on Saturday nights pits open at 1 pm Time Trials begin at 5 pm and racing begins at 7pm. Please call so I can also get you updated pics and further information. Thanks, Krista DuBois 231-844-2127

4/21/2010 - Unknown
New Owners of the Onaway Speedway.
Please visit www.onawayspeedway.net for info
2/4/2010 - john palmer
wanted to let you know that the wescoats defaulted on the contract and the palmers are running the speedway again and we will be open for the 2010 season. all three events will be run, cars, motox and mudbogs. attempting to get the website back as to post the latest updates. thank you the palmers.
6/22/2009 - Chris Sylvester
The track is under new ownership in 2009. Chad and Tracy Westcoat are the new owners and Colleen Caron is the promoter....Race night is Saturday night with the racing divisions being: Late models/Ltd Late models and modifieds bi-weekly...Factory stocks, pure stocks, bump and run bombers and stock 4 cylinders. There will be a big 4th of July show this season for the RE-Grand opening...
4/28/2003 - WaterWinterWonderland
Onaway Motor Speedway is 1/4 semi bank asphalt oval, there is also moto cross racing.
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