Croswell Fairgrounds - Croswell MI

Address: 176 N Croswell Rd
City: Croswell
State: MI
Zip: 48422
County: Sanilac
Number of visits to this page: 15608

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Dirt Oval - Operating Dates: early 1950's to the present

Source: Jeff Butler

The Croswell Fairgrounds are definitely still there and in use. The Croswell Fair is one of the oldest in Michigan. It has been held annually in Croswell since 1884! Our 1/2 mile race track has been in place since 1892 and was put in for harness horse racing, which is still going on to date. The Croswell Fair track is considered the fastest fair track in Michigan and has some of the states top horses compete there each year in the Charles Coon Memorial Futurity, one of the richest races in the state of Michigan. By keeping the track groomed so well for race horses, it also makes it a superb track for flat track motorcycle racing! For more information on the Croswell Fairgrounds and the events held there visit www. croswellfair. org.

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Info Updates:
6/9/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Run a factory stock invitational and I'm there.
6/8/2008 - Kim Nunn
Half Mile Track. Motorcyle races AMA sanctioned. Great time and great track to race on. May go on field of track area or in grandstand. Last year we had over 125 bikes from small to big. Saturday June 28. Time trials start at 4:00 P.M.
6/8/2008 - Kim Nunn
Croswell Fair starts Monday June 9,2008. Monday and Tuesday Harness Racing. Wednesday Moto cross. Thursday Fiqure 8 Demo Derby. Friday Demo Derby. Saturday Tractor Pull. Good entertainment and reasonable prices. Carnival, Pony Rides Petting Zoo. Free Musical entertainment eveery Night. Gate admission $2.00 10 and under Free. Saturday bike giveaway. Free Parking. Location under the water tower off Croswell Rd and Harrington Corners.
10/4/2007 - FredPickard
Yes they did run race care there back in the 50's, I remember Bill Dunningworth going thru a barn as the steering broke.
5/17/2006 - Larry Bukowski
AMA District 14 holds flat track motorcycle events at the Crosswell Fairgrounds. Their website lists 8-26 and 9-16 as race dates for 2006. I have been there several times and they put on a good show. You might want to contact the web site to verify that the date is still good, and verify times closer to the actual date.
9/19/2003 - Unknown
I live three miles from this place and I can assure you that it is still open. They hold the Croswell Fair there every July.
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