HomeDrive-In TheatersCommerce Drive-In Theatre - Commerce, MI

Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Commerce MI 

Address: 8305 Richardson Rd
City: Commerce
State: MI
Zip: 48390
County: Oakland
Open: 1956 (7-3-56) AD
Closed: 1990 (9-5-90)
Capacity: 105
Owner History: J. Pollina
Number of visits to this page: 40575
General Information:

Source: MichiganDriveIns.com

The Commerce was owned by the same gentleman who owned the Pontiac and Waterford drive ins. If Im not mistaken from a former employee of his, he actually owned five drive ins in Oakland County, MI, before closing them between 86 and 87, and relocating to Ohio. That same employee, gave me a pair of drive in speakers upon the closing of the "Pontiac", of which I replaced the speakers themselves, and now use for nostalgic surround sound speakers. That was 87. Within a year or two, the "Pontiac", was destroyed by arson. I may still have the article somewhere from the Oakland Press. (Chris Arble 8-31-02)

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Info Updates:
3/9/2011 - Garyrc
I remember as a very young child driving past the future Commerce Drive-In when it was under construction. the material for the screen tower was there but the screen was not constructed yet. What many may not remember: the color of the screen tower was a rusty orange and yellow checkerboard pattern before it was painted blue in the early 1970s. The location of the Commerce was somewhat out of the way, near no major highways, at the south end of 2-lane Union Lake Rd. and the north end of 2-lane Haggerty, and for many years the entrance was not even on the paved portion of Richardson Rd. Conceived as a top-notch modern theater of its day, its location likely prevented it from ever being a major player. Its large screen and capacity was about double the size of the nearby Walake Drive-In on Maple Rd. , just three miles away. Some unusual features included a playground behind the refreshment stand, and lighted plastic or fiberglass speaker-pole heads, color coded for each row. After paying, you entered from the back, which was less common at most area drive-ins. Like the Walake, the very back rows did not actually have speakers on the poles, so the true capacity was likely less than the numbers listed. The famous marquee (as shown in the photos below) actually pointed AWAY from the theater up close, but when seen from southbound Union Lake Rd. , it pointed correctly at the screen which you could only see when the leaves were off the trees. In the 1970s, the Commerce added a limited number of in-car heaters, but was usually just open on weekends in the fall and spring off-season. In its final years, the large Commerce screen was also damaged in a wind storm, so the east-most 25% was missing. Perhaps because its days were numbered, the screen was never repaired. (Memorable ad: for the engagement of “North by Northwest”, their ad showed a map with arrows pointing northwesterly up “Northwestern Highway” then up Orchard Lake, Maple, Haggerty, Richardson roads to the theater. ).
11/28/2006 - Adam Brown
I use to work at the Shell/ Citgo gas station while in High School about 6 years ago. The owner of the gas station owned the property that the sign of the drive thru was located on. At one point he was going to tear it down until myself and a friend who I also worked with held a protest and gethered about 40 people with signs. We also called the radio stations. And well the sign still stands and I haven't heard anything further about it being removed since!

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

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June 16 2022
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Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Restored Sign 2017
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Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Commerce Snackbar 1957
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Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Commerce Snackbar 1957
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Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Commerce Marquee 1957
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Before Restoration 2017
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Marquee
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Winter 2016
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Marquee
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Marquee
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Marquee
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Rear Of Marquee
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Marquee And Intersection
Marquee And Intersection
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Speaker Pole
Speaker Pole
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Fence
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Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Driveway
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Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Fence Light
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Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Early Ad From Pontiac Press
Early Ad From Pontiac Press
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Early Ad From Pontiac Press
Early Ad From Pontiac Press
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Oakland Press Ad
Oakland Press Ad
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Old Aerial
Old Aerial
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Under Construction
Under Construction
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - 08 Jun 1983 Auction Idea
08 Jun 1983 Auction Idea
Commerce Drive-In Theatre - Google Earth
Google Earth
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