HomeDrive-In TheatersVan Dyke Drive-In Theatre - Warren, MI

Van Dyke Drive-In Theatre - Warren MI

Address: 32341 Van Dyke
City: Warren
State: MI
Zip: 48093
County: Macomb
Open: 1955 (8-12-55*)
Closed: 1986
Capacity: 750 (1957) - 1500 (1977)
Owner History: Detroit Theaters Cohen Theatres/Milton Herman (1957) Cohen Theatres (1965)
Number of visits to this page: 25766
General Information:

This ozoner was owned by Detroit Theatres, Cohen Theatres and Milton Herman. Opened August 12, 1955. When it closed in 1986 it had three screens with a car capacity of 1,500. The drive-in has since been demolished.

Info Updates:
3/29/2015 - Bill Jewell
The site of the former Van Dyke Drive-in is now a Menards home center. The golf dome which replaced the theater was torn down about 2 years ago.
10/21/2014 - Deb Ingles
we lived there many week-ends in the summer when I went to Cousino High. We used to load a ton of people into my big Chevy Impala. We even snuck some people in the trunk. I've NOT seen Mad Max like 9 times. For us it was a social event walking around meeting people from other schools and hanging with friends from our school.
8/14/2012 - Janet
WOW. i worked at this drive-in with Milton Herman and his granddaughter Jenny! I can't tell you how many times Milt said HARD RIGHT when the cars had 5 or more people in it. Those were the best nights of my life as a 15-17 yr old kid. The good times my girlfriends and i had in the projection booth hanging out. The bouncers. (enough said). Those were definitely good times! I was sad to see them demolish that place we tried to go get a piece of the ticket boothes. I will never forget that place! They need to have more!.
5/28/2012 - waterwinterwonderland.com
The Van Dyke Sport Center, Inc. bought the Van Dyke Drive-In Theater on November 4, 1979 (first day of the Iranian Hostage Crisis) and operated it through the 1985 season.
2/9/2009 - Shane Pennington
I wish my generation had anything like this. Now, everything is either owned by a chain or really really expensive (i.e. CJ Barrymore's). I wish I could've been around in the '60s and '70s when most of the places featured on this entire website were up and running, but you can only blame time for that. At least the arcade and golf dome are still open. Not sure about the putt-putt or batting cages. Both were cheap, but fun nonetheless. Kinda glad that the arcade is there. It might be all dim inside and sometimes smells awful, but at least it gives ya something to do on a Friday or Saturday night with buddies.
1/3/2009 - Jack Essayian
I worked at the Van Dyke Drive-In for a few years between 1966 and 1970. I worked in the concession stand and during the day as a field hand. We repaired speaker/heaters, cut the grass and did general maintenance. My dad was the assistant manager for a while.
5/17/2007 - waz
I remember that in the mid-to-late 70's they started showing soft-core porn. There was a dead-end side street next to the theatre where we would drive by and see cars with single guys in them watching the movie. Kind of a sad ending for that place.
2/12/2003 - WaterWinterWonderland
A recent site inspection with Scott Biggs and Ron Gross revealed that the entrance with the ticket booth islands remain. It was also discovered that the dis-assembled screen is still on site with the parts being stacked on pallets. There was also a structure that has been modified but appears to be the original concession stand and projection booth.
1/6/2003 - Drive-Ins.com
I grew up in the in a house directly across the road from the Van Dyke.That road was Van Dyke ,hence the name.I was about 6 yrs. old in 1960,and I remember spending many summer evenings there.The back of the screen that faced Van Dyke Rd. was painted forest green until it became part of the sports complex that is there now. I do remember seeing the steel screen supports twisted and damaged from a torando but dont know the exact date.Thanks for the memories in mom and dads 1955 Buick. Dave Hagan

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

Van Dyke Drive-In Theatre - Old Shot From Gerard Brownstone
Old Shot From Gerard Brownstone
Van Dyke Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Lanes - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Ticket Lanes - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Van Dyke Drive-In Theatre - Lanes - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Lanes - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Van Dyke Drive-In Theatre - Screen Foundations - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Screen Foundations - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Van Dyke Drive-In Theatre - Screen Panels - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Screen Panels - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Van Dyke Drive-In Theatre - Screen Trusses - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Screen Trusses - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Van Dyke Drive-In Theatre - Ad From Scott Biggs
Ad From Scott Biggs
Van Dyke Drive-In Theatre - 67 Aerial
67 Aerial
Van Dyke Drive-In Theatre - Old Aerial
Old Aerial
Van Dyke Drive-In Theatre - 01 Jun 1956 Ad
01 Jun 1956 Ad
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