HomeDrive-In TheatersLake Drive-In - Big Bear Lake, CA

Lake Drive-In - Big Bear Lake CA 

Address: 39515 Big Bear Blvd
City: Big Bear Lake
State: CA
Zip: 92315
Open: 1957
Closed: Unknown
Capacity: 2196
Owner History:
Number of visits to this page: 4840
General Information:

One of two drive-in theaters to ever exist in the Big Bear area (the other was the Peter Pan Woodland Drive-In in Big Bear City). The Lake Drive-In was opened on June 7, 1957 with James Stewart in “Strategic Air Command” & Randolph Scott in “7 Men from Now”. This long-closed venue’s screen remained intact (as of summer 2007 but since demolished), along with the projection booth building, on its original plot of land in the area just south (towards the western edge) of Big Bear Lake.

Well within view of the lake itself, this property on the south side of Big Bear Boulevard is currently being used for other forms of (entertainment?) business.

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Lake Drive-In - 2019 Photo
2019 Photo
Lake Drive-In - 2019 Photo
2019 Photo
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