HomeDrive-In TheatersWestern Drive-In - South Bend, IN

Western Drive-In - South Bend IN

Address: 56475 Peppermint Road
City: South Bend
State: IN
Zip: 46619
Open: 1949
Closed: 1980's
Owner History:
Number of visits to this page: 4205
General Information:

The South Bend Auto Theater was operating on Route 2 by 1949. It had a capacity for 650 cars and was operated by A. Ochs. In 1950 the address was given as 4903 W. Western Avenue (Route 2) at S. Summit Drive. The car capacity was increased to 850. In 1952, the car capacity was given as 650 again, and the operator was G. Benner. By 1953 S.B. Greiver had joined G. Brenner as joint operators, and this continued into 1955-1956. In the late-1950’s the drive-in was relocated 2 miles further west on Route 2 (Western Road) at Peppermint Road, with the name changed to Western Drive-In. It was closed in the early-1980’s as a twin screen drive-in theater.

Info Updates:
11/7/2022 - Sarah B.
Cinema treasures page http://cinematreasures.org/theaters/44881

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Western Drive-In - Old Photo Of Marquee
Old Photo Of Marquee
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