HomeDrive-In TheatersStardust Drive-In Theatre - Grand Rapids, MI

Stardust Drive-In Theatre - Grand Rapids MI

Address: 5566 Divison St S
City: Grand Rapids
State: MI
Zip: 43522
County: Kent
Open: 1948 (5-29-48) AD
Closed: N/A
Capacity: 600
Owner History: H. J. Ochs, Triangle DriveIn Co.
Number of visits to this page: 12885
General Information:

AKA Division Drive-In

Opened as the Drive-In in May 1948, it was owned by H.J. Ochs. This was the first drive-in in the Grand Rapids area. It was later operated by Triangle Drive-In Co. and was renamed Division Drive-In. Car capacity listed at 600 with a single screen. Later renamed Stardust Drive-In, no closing date listed but has been demolished and an RV dealer is now where the drive-in once stood.

Info Updates:
5/1/2017 - Don Wenger
I grew up about 1/8 mile away from the Stardust. I was told my uncle was a manager at one time. He left when the x-rated started. My father took Mom, sis, and I there to see a movie called blood feast. We were way too young and had to COVER YOUR EYES! many times during that show. The story line involved a caterer that served wonderful meats until it was discovered the meat was human! In the end chase he jumped into the back of a garbage truck to escape but the truck went into squish mode. The End. About 2015 I found that movie on disc and sent it to my parents in Florida. What a hoot. As I recall that yellow pole was erected at an angle away from the back of the screen because the screen was close to falling forward. A cable was supposed to go from the corners of the screen to that big knob on top of the pole. The stardust closed and the cable never was put up. The screen fell and the property was used for the Kent County Expo fair in the early '70's. That's about all I heard or knew of the Stardust.
12/21/2008 - John Whitman
It was spring of 1962, just returned from the military, a friend and I decided to take in a movie. In the process of watching the film there was little to no sound. I being in electronics approached the operator of the theatre to see if he would like me to investigate what the problem was...in a short time I had repaired the sound system..I was then invited to join the staff and ended up as a partner and projectionist. The drive in was renamed the Stardust drive in..the movies were 2nd run and of family fare for the remainder of the year...In the spring of 1963 to drawn more attention to the theatre a large crane boom was installed in fromt of the drive in to be used as a large sign..it was painted yellow. During the spring of 1963 we ,to be competitive booked live concerts during intermission.. the first was that of Bobby Vee..it helped business but not that much.. It was then decided to begin running "x" rated movies...business improved tremendously however neighborhood complaints( people living adjacent to the theatre could see the screen) prompted city and county officials to investigate..this situation caused me to withdraw from the business the fall of that year..I moved on to another location. The screen tower was large and was constructed of wood with living quarters on the front side. I believe the theatre operated for several years after until it closed in the mid 70's.. The original operator of the Stardust Drive-In still in the business and is in Las Vegas at age 83..
1/6/2003 - WaterWinterWonderland
Nothing remains, lot is now a RV dealer.

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

Stardust Drive-In Theatre - Old Photo
Old Photo
Stardust Drive-In Theatre - Driveway - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Driveway - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Stardust Drive-In Theatre - Speaker Poles - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Speaker Poles - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Stardust Drive-In Theatre - Division Grand Opening Ad 1947 Courtesy Jerrica Lee
Division Grand Opening Ad 1947 Courtesy Jerrica Lee
Stardust Drive-In Theatre - Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
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