HomeMotels and HotelsCarriage Inn (White's Motor Court)

Carriage Inn (White's Motor Court) - East Tawas MI

Address: 1500 S U.S. 23
City: East Tawas
State: MI
Zip: 48730
County: Iosco
Number of visits to this page: 2778

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Update 9/27/2024: After looking over some older postcards, I believe this motel was once White's Motor Court. The early version of the motel had carports but those could have been removed. The general shape of the place is correct, the trees look right and the distance from town match up to the postcard. The old pool can also be seen on the 1958 aerial. For now, I am going with this.

This old motel goes back to 1958 or before. I believe it operated under different names over the years, most recently the Carriage Inn. It appears to be closed as of 2023. It was for sale in 2014 and was valued at $100 grand at that time. I am not sure when it was open last. The sign on the historical aerial has a name of Wates? or something similar.

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Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - 2022 Street View
2022 Street View
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - From Real Estate Listing
From Real Estate Listing
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - From Real Estate Listing
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Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - From Real Estate Listing
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Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - From Real Estate Listing
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Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - From Real Estate Listing
From Real Estate Listing
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - From Real Estate Listing
From Real Estate Listing
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - From Real Estate Listing
From Real Estate Listing
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - 1983 Aerial
1983 Aerial
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - Enlarged Sign From 1983
Enlarged Sign From 1983
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - Whites Motor Court
Whites Motor Court
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - Whites Motor Court
Whites Motor Court
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - Whites Motor Court
Whites Motor Court
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - 1958 Aerial
1958 Aerial
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - June 1948 Ad
June 1948 Ad
Carriage Inn (Whites Motor Court) - October 1958 Owner Passes Away
October 1958 Owner Passes Away
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