Union Lake Twin Cinemas - Union Lake MI 

Address: 1450 S Hospital Rd
City: Union Lake
State: MI
Zip: 48387
County: Oakland
Capacity: 700
Owner History:
Theater Type: Shopping Center - Early Multiplex
Number of visits to this page: 9801

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Located in a strip mall on Hospital Road, it was opened in 1972 as the Stage Door 1 & 2. It went through various owners during its lifetime as a movie theatre. It closed in the 1990’s and sat empty and was vandalized heavily. The building was gutted and renovated in the late 90’s and transformed into a bowling alley. The site is now the Sweetwater Entertainment Center. I am not sure if the original building was razed or underwent a radical transformation. Update June 16th 2022: The site is now a church.

Click the following links for locations of interest nearby:
T-Way Plaza  |  Union Lake Motel  |  
Info Updates:
3/17/2013 - Greg W
In the late 80's two of my friends managed the Union Lake Twin Cinemas, Kerry F and Mike G. A lot of great nights were spent there. I remember seeing Howard the Duck and Nightmare on Elm Street there. Any one remember Kerry or Mike?.
7/27/2009 - Adam
I grew up in the Union Lake area and frequently went to this theater. I loved it! I remember the owners being so nice. One time my friend's parents were late to pick us up and the owners had no problem letting us just hang out inside while they closed up. A few years ago they attempted to re-vamp the strip mall it's attached to and they even went as far as to build a covering over the fire escape (that came down from what I assume was the Projection Booth.) A lot of people hoped that meant the theater would re-open but it never did (and the strip still is run-down, the re-vamping failed). I miss the Union Lake Cinema and I know a lot of locals do too. Movies I remember seeing here are: The Birdcage, No Escape, Alien 3, Naked Gun 2 1/2, Freddy's Dead (in 3D!).
2/7/2005 - B Hill
The slide was there before the Stage Door was built and tore down to make room for the building.
12/21/2004 - Mike Sullivan
The Theatre opened as the Stage Door Cinemas October 31st 1974 with the film Day of the Dolphin starring George C Scott. it was in independant theatre owned by 2 Union Lake Businessmen Dr Irwin Posner and David Moss a local pharmacist. I opened up as the Manger and stayed 2 years as Manager , part time janitor, Projectionist, Placing all ads with the News, Free Press, Oakland Press, Spinal Column and running to the film exchange aka The old Packard Plant. The assistant mangers were Beverly Piskorski and Cathy Stretten We spent many years in court fighting with the builder who unfortunately butchered the blue prints so badly that during cold winter months the patons had to wear their jackets inside the theatre and the lobby was unbearable! After being burned so badly by the developer ultimately the owners had to shut down as the losses could no longer be sustained. very unfortuneate as they went into this venture with all the best of intentions. Upstair in the Grants plaza was Dans Giant submarines from Farmington and a pet store and video arcade. if you would like iI have some pitures of the front I could scan and send as an e mail attachment.
10/14/2004 - Shar
Behind this theatre was a giant slide built at the same time and then a Arcade was in the strip mall, used to fun. All became run down in the late 80s. Slide was torned down. Still live in the Union Lake area and have since the 50s. Great place!
9/29/2004 - Dave in MD
I used to work for a community newspaper in the late 1990s a few doors down from the Union Lake. Id walk over there on my lunch break for exercise, and even then it was a pretty run down place, filled with garbage, debris, etc. It was pretty surprising, because the theater apparently operated into the 1990s. The theater is located next to a strip mall that was also abandoned during my employment but has since been renovated with a bowling alley. Perhaps some of this will rub off on the Union Lake...
3/2/2003 - WaterWinterWonderland
This theatre was operated under a few different owners in the 70s and 80s. The last attempt being in the late 1980s or early 1990s. It now sits empty and alone. It appears to be getting more run down as the effects of vandalism and neglect take their toll.
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - As The Stagedoor 1974 Courtesy Mike Sullivan
As The Stagedoor 1974 Courtesy Mike Sullivan
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - As The Stagedoor 1974 Courtesy Mike Sullivan
As The Stagedoor 1974 Courtesy Mike Sullivan
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - News Article Courtesy Mike Sullivan
News Article Courtesy Mike Sullivan
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - Stagedoor Staff Courtesy Mike Sullivan
Stagedoor Staff Courtesy Mike Sullivan
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - May 2002 Photo
May 2002 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - May 2002 Photo
May 2002 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - May 2002 Photo
May 2002 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - May 2002 Photo
May 2002 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - May 2002 Photo
May 2002 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - May 2002 Photo
May 2002 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - May 2002 Photo
May 2002 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - May 2002 Photo
May 2002 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - June 16 2022 Photo
June 16 2022 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - June 16 2022 Photo
June 16 2022 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - June 16 2022 Photo
June 16 2022 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - June 16 2022 Photo
June 16 2022 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - June 16 2022 Photo
June 16 2022 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - June 16 2022 Photo
June 16 2022 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - June 16 2022 Photo
June 16 2022 Photo
Union Lake Twin Cinemas - 2018 Street View
2018 Street View
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