Strand Theatre - Alma MI

Address: 271 E Superior St
City: Alma
State: MI
Zip: 48801
County: Gratiot
Open: 1920
Capacity: 950
Owner History:
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 20985

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

This was not the Alma as previously thought. The Strand was one of 3 (at least) motion picture theaters operated at different times in Alma. There was also the opera house which may have been converted to showing films also.

1900's newspaper articles indicate the Strand is the replacement for the Idlehour theater as they shared management but not facilities. That theater was more akin to a nickelodeon style house whereas the Strand was a bonafide movie house built at an expense of 60-100 thousand dollars.

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Info Updates:
2/25/2012 - Michael Dancer
The Strand was a great theater. When I first moved to Alma in 1958 you could go to a Saturday matinee for fifteen cents and a box of popcorn was a dime. My friends and I would go there almost every Saturday if we could come up with the money. If we didn't have any we would walk the roads out in the country on sat. morning and pick up beer bottles the parkers would throw out. They were only worth two cents then so we had to get at least five because our folks would usually throw in a nickle or dime. The one morning I was walking to school and theater had burnt down. Boy was I bummed. But they rebuilt it but they didn't put the balcony back in and that was where I always liked to sit. I remember taking a date to the movies there in 1967 and it was seventy five cents to get in and twenty five cents for popcorn. How things have changed.
9/28/2007 - PattyB
In the 1960's my uncle Jack Musser managed the Strand Theater. I remember going there with my cousin, John Musser.
9/26/2006 - JerryD
Is this the same theatre thas was own and operated by Keith Musser & the Musser family in the 60's? Keith was a good friend of mine, we spent several nights and afternoons at the local racetracks in the Detroit area.
1/6/2003 - WaterWinterWonderland
The gorgeous Strand is now used for community events.
Strand Theatre - May 2022
May 2022
Strand Theatre - June 2021
June 2021
Strand Theatre - Recent Pic
Recent Pic
Strand Theatre - 1948 Photo From Paul Petoskey
1948 Photo From Paul Petoskey
Strand Theatre - Vintage Shot
Vintage Shot
Strand Theatre - Old Photo
Old Photo
Strand Theatre - Old Photo
Old Photo
Strand Theatre - Vintage Shot
Vintage Shot
Strand Theatre - Nov 6 1919 Strand Being Announced
Nov 6 1919 Strand Being Announced
Strand Theatre - May 13 1920 Strand Opening Announcement
May 13 1920 Strand Opening Announcement
Strand Theatre - May 20 1920 Review Of New Strand
May 20 1920 Review Of New Strand
Strand Theatre - May 27 1920 Ads Showing All 3 Theaters
May 27 1920 Ads Showing All 3 Theaters
Strand Theatre - May 8 1919 Opening
May 8 1919 Opening
Strand Theatre - Oct 9 1919 Opening Announcement
Oct 9 1919 Opening Announcement © 2025 Over 82,712,943 Served