HomeMovie TheatersShowcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5

Showcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5 - Bloomfield Hills MI

Address: 2400 S Telegraph Rd
City: Bloomfield Hills
State: MI
Zip: 48302
County: Oakland
Open: 1970
Owner History: National Amusements / Redstone
Theater Type: Shopping Center - Early Multiplex
Number of visits to this page: 13460

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

This multiplex was built in 1970 and lasted until 2002. There was a another multiplex across the street. I attended both many times. They were decent for the time but eventually stadium seating came into vogue and National Amusements lost interest in modernizing the chain. Both complexes are now gone.

Click the following links for locations of interest nearby:
Info Updates:
12/3/2008 - Kathryn
I spent my "tween" through teen years in Bloomfield Hills (1992-2001.) My friends and I saw tons of movies at the 1-5 and the 6-12! A fun game was to try to figure out which side of the street the movie was playing on.

It was sad when the 1-5 closed but neither Showcase could compete with the new Star multiplexes. I was home for Thanksgiving and drove by the old 1-5 site. It's now a gigantic, bright, multi-level Target. I was floored! I guess I need to come home more often...
1/20/2006 - Greg
I remember while managing the Pontiac Drive In in the mid 70s, the Showcase (only 2 screens then) was our district office for National Amusements - Redstone Management. National owned the Showcases, Miracle Mile, Blue Sky, Pontiac, and Waterford Drive Ins at the time. I happened to be at the Showcase upstairs in the office when Earthquake opened with the Surround sound. The movie was playing and all of a sudden the whole building started shaking, just like an earthquake was hitting. I remember phones and adding machines being shaken off desks and everybody running around in a panic. Looking back, it was kinda funny!! Im still getting some stuff together for the Pontiac, Blue Sky, and Miracle Mile Drive Ins.
12/13/2005 - John Green
Auditorium capacities were as follows: 1-710, 2-576, 3-576, 4-373, 5-318
Showcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5 - Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Showcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5 - Marquee
Showcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5 - Demolition Photo From Kim Connell
Demolition Photo From Kim Connell
Showcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5 - Demolition Photo From Kim Connell
Demolition Photo From Kim Connell
Showcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5 - Demolition Photo From Kim Connell
Demolition Photo From Kim Connell
Showcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5 - Demolition Photo From Kim Connell
Demolition Photo From Kim Connell
Showcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5 - Demolition Photo From Kim Connell
Demolition Photo From Kim Connell
Showcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5 - 1970-11-25 Ad
1970-11-25 Ad
Showcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5 - Old Ad
Old Ad
Showcase Cinemas Pontiac 1-5 - Sept 1963 Article
Sept 1963 Article
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