HomeMalls and RetailEdison Brothers Stores (Burt's, Baker's Wild Pair, Chandler's)

Edison Brothers Stores (Burt's, Baker's Wild Pair, Chandler's) - Detroit MI

Address: 21500 Northwestern Hwy
City: Detroit
State: MI
Zip: 48075
County: Wayne
Number of visits to this page: 3938

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General Information:

Edison Brothers operated numerous shoe and apparel outlets mainly located in suburban malls around the country. I worked at 3 of their stores (Burt's and Chandler's in Northland Southfield, Burt's at Twelve Oaks Mall in Novi). Baker's was probably their most prominent and highest volume outlet. I remember a guy who worked at the Baker's in Northland and due to his affiliation with a huge Baptist Church in Detroit, he was doing HUGE VOLUME as every lady there came to him for their shoes. As our pay was mostly based on commission, that really helped.

The way the scheme worked was they had something called the "1600 Club". What this translated to was selling $1600 per week in shoes, then you had quotas for selling hosiery, polish/accessories, and finally handbags. If you went over the $1600, you "bonused", meaning you received the commission beyond your guaranteed base salary of about $125 per week. If you didn't achieve this regularly, you were let go. The base salary was there in case you had a terribly slow week sales-wise. You at least received enough for gas and food. The pay was crap in retail but it also was fun on many levels. The stuff that would go on in the stockroom especially. Usually making fun of the customers LOL.

Wikipedia summary

Edison Brothers Stores, Inc., was a retail conglomerate based in St. Louis, Missouri. It operated numerous retail chains mainly located in shopping malls, mostly in the fields of shoes, clothing and entertainment, with Bakers Shoes as its flagship chain. The company began in 1922 and was liquidated in 1999, though some of the chains it operated continued under different owners.

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