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The Komer Company opened the 106,000 square foot Eastgate Center back in 1954. It was originally anchored by a Federals Dept. Store. This was when Federals was in expansion mode and doing really well. It was the #2 store in the state back then. The center included a 5000 square foot sales terrace and glass walls on 3 sides. It also featured a 3000 car lot. Other major stores were Kroger, Wrigley (wow 2 grocery stores!), Cunningham Drug, a bank, a restaurant and miscellaneous smaller stores. It started with 3 main structures, with 3 more being added later.
Eastgate is still going as of 2023 but sadly the old space-age sign it originally had is long gone. I am using the address of the Ace Hardware inside the shopping center for reference.