Hornes Speedbowl - Reed City MI

Address: 21940 6 Mile Rd
City: Reed City
State: MI
Zip: 49677
County: Osceola
Number of visits to this page: 11210

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Dirt Oval - Operating Dates: 1960's

Source: Rick Roggow

Hi there, This Hornes Speed bowl, Might have been the Old Dust Bowl, That was located up on the hill by Todd Lake, Located on 9 mile road If that is the same one. My Father, Phil Roggow used to go there and watch, back in the days also.

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Info Updates:
4/5/2009 - Brad Thompson
I wonder if this is the track my late father reffered to as Ashton Speedway? My late uncle Fred Naylor ran a 40's coupe at a track near Ashton in the Fifties. I had a picture of him and the car at one time. He was sponsored by Horne's Motor Sales. Please let me know if anyone ever finds the actual location of the old track.
9/11/2004 - John McDowell
A more accurate location would be 4 miles north and 3 to 4 miles east of the U.S. 10 & U.S. 131 interchange. I am attempting to see if the site might be visible on a site like Terraserver. Havent found anything yet. Ill be doing a ground search and talking to some residents of the area.
11/29/2003 - John McDowell
If this is the place I remember (and it was the only race track Im aware of in the area) it was located 5 miles north of Reed City and 2 or 3 miles east off Old 131. Our familys funeral home ran an ambulance service back then (as did many small town funeral homes).

I remember this track operating in the late 50s, possibly into the early 60s. We would take an ambulance out there on standby. I was rather young then so the memory is hazy.
Hornes Speedbowl - Aerial Photo - Thanks To Anthony For Location
Aerial Photo - Thanks To Anthony For Location
Hornes Speedbowl - Aerial Photo - Thanks To Anthony For Location
Aerial Photo - Thanks To Anthony For Location
Hornes Speedbowl - 1981 Aerial Photo - Thanks To Anthony For Location
1981 Aerial Photo - Thanks To Anthony For Location
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