Prairie River Speedway - Centreville MI

Address: 60353 Rambadt Rd
City: Centreville
State: MI
Zip: 49032
County: St. Joseph
Number of visits to this page: 17698

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

I am using the current address of where the track was, roughly.

Dirt Oval - Operating Dates: 1951-1956

Source: Jody Gest

I was born in 1958 so the track had closed 2 year before that. my dad had raced there so i only heard stories. i grew up right next to the track and remember walking to it and seeing only a few bleachers and the tower which was all that was left. if anyone has photos I'm looking for my dads number 99. Please email me.

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Info Updates:
12/19/2024 - Daniel Frye
My dad raced there we lived right down the road from there. I wasn't born yet but I would love to see some pics FROM Doug who says he has a bunch of pics from there. Elden Shrader raced there and was a partner of My dad's until problems occurred. Please any photos of a AAA car with a beer can on top or of a 21or 22 car. .
3/3/2015 - Doug Austin
I have over Six hundred 8x10 pictures of cars that raced in 1953- 54 on this track. Doug.
4/3/2010 - Mike White
I wonder if this was the place I attended a couple times as a youngster with my parents. I just barely remember it (I was only about 5 or 6) but my folks talked about going to the races at Mendon. But since Mendon never had a track to my knowledge I assume this must be it. I have a keen interest in the area tracks I attended as a kid (Galesburg, Hastings, Kalamazoo, Jackson) especially Jackson and Hastings since they are long gone. Any pictures would be precious.
6/22/2006 - Roger Burton
The track is on the north side of M-86. And the track was east to west. It actually ran paralell to M-86. My father used to watch the races there quite often. He took me there when I was quite young. But I do remember the track being paralell to M-86. I think there are a number of houses on the site now.
5/17/2006 - Bill Moyer
The speedway was located between the towns of Nottawa and Centerville on the north side of M-86.
Prairie River Speedway - Bob Mikel 1952 Wreck
Bob Mikel 1952 Wreck
Prairie River Speedway - 1955 Aerial
1955 Aerial
Prairie River Speedway - Aerial
Prairie River Speedway - June 19 1954 Ad
June 19 1954 Ad
Prairie River Speedway - May 19 1954 Article
May 19 1954 Article
Prairie River Speedway - Topo
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