Big Dip Burgers - Walled Lake MI 

Address: 725 E Walled Lake Dr
City: Walled Lake
State: MI
Zip: 48390
County: Oakland
Number of visits to this page: 2239

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General Information:

This drive-in restaurant began as an A&W, back in the day when Walled Lake had drive-in theaters, an amusement park and a downtown indoor theater, all of which are gone. I believe the next iteration was Tom's Root Beer Stand which lasted many years. It then switched to Corner Carhop and as of 2022 is now known as Big Dip Burgers. I used to go quite a bit when it was A&W as I lived in that area for quite some time. Good to see it is still going as it has a great setting right across the street from Walled Lake.

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As Big Dip Burgers
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As Big Dip Burgers
Big Dip Burgers - As Big Dip Burgers
As Big Dip Burgers
Big Dip Burgers - As Big Dip Burgers
As Big Dip Burgers
Big Dip Burgers - As Big Dip Burgers
As Big Dip Burgers
Big Dip Burgers - As Big Dip Burgers
As Big Dip Burgers
Big Dip Burgers - As Big Dip Burgers
As Big Dip Burgers
Big Dip Burgers - As A And W Or Toms 2002
As A And W Or Toms 2002
Big Dip Burgers - Corner Carhop
Corner Carhop
Big Dip Burgers - Toms Root Beer
Toms Root Beer
Big Dip Burgers - 1984 Walled Lake Western Yearbook Ad
1984 Walled Lake Western Yearbook Ad © 2025 Over 82,432,744 Served