HomeDrive-In TheatersPine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Baldwin, MI

Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Baldwin MI

Address: 8335 M-37
City: Baldwin
State: MI
Zip: 49304
County: Lake
Open: N/A
Closed: 1970s
Capacity: 11
Owner History: N/A
Number of visits to this page: 15190
General Information:

Source: MichiganDriveIns.com

The Pine Aire Drive-In in Baldwin has a new self-storage business occupying the front half of the site. The 72 by 44 corrugated steel screen tower remains, in very good condition. Also remaining are several rows of ramps and a few speaker poles. All evidence of the snack bar foundation was removed during the construction of the storage unit.

The owner of the self-storage was on-site, and was very helpful answering our questions about the drive-in. He indicated the drive-in closed in the mid-70s. He also confirmed the current screen is the Pine Aires second, replacing the original wood tower sometime long ago. The original wood towers concrete foundations are still in place, unused by the steel tower.

Info Updates:
9/26/2019 - Bob Dempsey
I remember this as a fun place. A place different to go other that the big star Melody roller rink. Us out of towner kids whose parents owned cabins and cottages around big and little twin lakes would go there to meet and hang out with other teens, we even would watch the movie sometimes. the first time I had too much to drink was there, with Norm Hunt and Betty Johnson. I had the biggest crush on a girl. who I believe was the owners daughter. she was a Valerie bertinelli looking girl. she sometimes worked in the concession stand. wonder what ever happened to her. That was so long ago, 1969 to 1976 or so when I went there.
8/8/2015 - Mike
A friend of my grandfather owned the property and theater. I was at the property over the 4th of July weekend and came across the old screen. It was in great shape for its age. I had no idea it was ever there, all the times I have been to Baldwin. I had no idea that my friends grandfather owned the theater until I told her I found a old drive-in theater screen in the woods. The field is overgrown now as well as trees by the screen, no remnants of any drive in stuff left.
1/7/2012 - Wendy S. Calloway
I used to frequent that drive in theatre. I believe it was owned by the Gent family. If they did not own it they ran the business. As kids we would have two people pay to get in and the others run through the woods and get in the car afterwards. It was a fun place for us during our youthful years.
4/28/2003 - WaterWinterWonderland
A recent site inspection revealed that the lot is under development, with a Mini Storage facility at the front. The screen still stands.

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Screen
Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Screen Front - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Screen Front - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Screen And Concession - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Screen And Concession - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Rear Of Screen - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Rear Of Screen - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Alternate Screen Foundation - Photo From Robert
Alternate Screen Foundation - Photo From Robert
Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Foundation Of Concession And Projection - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Foundation Of Concession And Projection - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Lot With Storage Facility - Photo From Robert
Lot With Storage Facility - Photo From Robert
Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Rear Of Screen
Rear Of Screen
Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Aerial Photo - Photo From Terraserver
Aerial Photo - Photo From Terraserver
Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Aerial
Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - 5 May 1966 Ad
5 May 1966 Ad
Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - May 1972 Ad
May 1972 Ad
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