HomeDrive-In TheatersHilltop Drive-In Theatre - Jackson, MI

Hilltop Drive-In Theatre - Jackson MI

Address: 7700 Lansing Ave
City: Jackson
State: MI
Zip: 49201
County: Jackson
Open: (1951)
Closed: 1952
Capacity: 80
Owner History: Larry Dingee & John Buck
Number of visits to this page: 9195
General Information:

Source: Rob Imerson

This was about 3 miles from our farm. We could see the screen from a high point like up in the barn. The speakers were outside and blasted pretty loud, we could hear them. The place was pretty nasty. We never actually went to a movie there.

Listed in the 1952 and 1953-54 Theater Catalog with 16mm projection

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Hilltop Drive-In Theatre - Hilltop Ad July 1 1951
Hilltop Ad July 1 1951
Hilltop Drive-In Theatre - Hilltop Ad July 4 1952
Hilltop Ad July 4 1952
Hilltop Drive-In Theatre - Aerial Photo Of Location
Aerial Photo Of Location
Hilltop Drive-In Theatre - Topo Map Of Location
Topo Map Of Location
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