Driftwood Shores Resort - Manistique MI

Address: 1404 Yager Rd
City: Manistique
State: MI
Zip: 49854
County: Schoolcraft
Number of visits to this page: 1732

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General Information:

The little town of Thompson had lots to offer. This resort was right on the water. The structures were still there as of 2021 but it doesn't appear the resort is operating as of 2022. The place did not appear in the 1950's aerials but it was there by 1977 so it probably went up in the 1960's.

Here is a 2010 review from TripAdvisor that has some good info:

We were looking for a place to meet friends for a weekend visit somewhere off the beaten paths of the Upper Peninsula on Lake Michigan. We felt like we really scored with a great little lodge and a great price. The Lodge had about six rooms; we took a kitchenette and a second room for our friends. Clean, comfortable enough, well away from traffic and noise right on the shore of the Lake. They have a couple of detached cabins as well, and also parking for RVs or tent camping. Nice laundry and showers for campers, too. Pet friendly! Just a small, well managed place, about 7 miles from Manistique, 3 or 4 miles to a nice sandy beach for swimming. (The beach at the resort is a mudflat, but suitable for fishing.)

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Driftwood Shores Resort - Old Postcard
Old Postcard
Driftwood Shores Resort - Old Postcard
Old Postcard
Driftwood Shores Resort - 1992 Aerial
1992 Aerial
Driftwood Shores Resort - 1977 Aerial
1977 Aerial
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