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Source: Cinema Treasures
Opened in 1980 for the Nicholas George chain of theaters, the Americana West was named after George's original Americana in Southfield which opened in the late 60s. Built as a quad, the West featured two 550-seat auditoriums, and two with 325 seats. Designed by noted theater architect Louis Wiltse, the West was probably one of the last Michigan movie houses featuring curtains in front of its original four screens.
Wiltse's design of the Americana West closely resembled that of his 1974 Denniston I & II Cinemas in Monroe, Michigan. In 1986, the West was sold to the AMC chain, and four years later, the two larger auditoriums were each themselves twinned, making the theater a six-plex. The Americana West 6 closed in 2001, and has since been converted into a fitness center.