Kal Theatre - Kalkaska MI

Address: 316 S. Cedar Street
City: Kalkaska
State: MI
Zip: 49646
County: Kalkaska
Open: Early 1920's
Capacity: 240
Owner History:
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 7543

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

The 250-seat Family Theatre was operating by 1926. By 1941 it had been renamed Kal Theatre, and continued until at least 1950. The building is now a carpet store.

Info Updates:
11/16/2014 - Robert Barnard
The old cement projection room is still in the 2nd story of the building (it's the only thing in the 2nd story). My dad, Larry Barnard, used to go to that theater. He's told me about going up to the projection room (he's always been interested in how everything works and people in the town seemed to enjoy showing people their craft when someone was interested). Years later he started and owned Larry's TV and provided TV service and repair in the area for many years (Zenith, Quasar and Motorola). The business was located about 2 miles East of Kalkaska on M-72 (where Ken Dupuie's Country Communication's is located now). In the 1970's dad sold the business to Jerry Beebe. Later Jerry moved the business to town where the old theater was at. About 5 years ago Jerry gave me a tour of his building. The building has some interesting differences from other buildings. As I said, the only thing accessible in the 2nd floor is the old projection room. It's a small room with a few small holes for the images and some ventilation. Other than that it has the feeling of a bomb shelter because of the cement walls, ceiling, floor and steel door. To access the projection room you have to climb a set of narrow stairs that are more like a ladder than a stairway. Looking out from one of the holes in the room you can still see the original ceiling. But today wires hang down to support the main floor's suspended ceiling below. There is also an old chimney for the projectors exhaust. The main floor's original floor still slopes down (as theaters do). Someone had build a second (level) floor over the original. From what I understand, the original floor is still in tact.
Kal Theatre - 1944 Photo From Paul
1944 Photo From Paul
Kal Theatre - 2019 Photo
2019 Photo
Kal Theatre - Kal Theater
Kal Theater
Kal Theatre - Kal Kalkaska
Kal Kalkaska
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