Algonac Theatre - Algonac MI

Address: 1117 St. Clair River Drive
City: Algonac
State: MI
Zip: 48001
County: St. Clair
Open: 1914
Capacity: 400
Owner History:
Theater Type: Downtown Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 18379

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

AKA Classic Theater

Source: Andy Gray

My Grandfather A.S. “Al” Johnson built and remodeled theaters across Michigan between 1934 and 1956, including a job involving the Algonac Theater in Algonac, Michigan. His son A.S. Johnson Jr's (Bud's) list of Johnson theater projects includes the Algonac, but omits the date of the job.

Al Johnson's theater slides include a single image of the theater taken in June 1948. The marquee, entrance doors and the finish of the front and side of the theater are of a style very similar to other Johnson Construction Co. remodeling jobs completed in the mid to late-1930s (for example the 1938 Tibbits Theatre job in Coldwater). From the Cinema Treasures site: "The 'Classic Theatre' opened in 1914... Around the 30s, the theater was renamed the 'Algonac Theatre,' and operated through the 50s." The Algonac Theatre has been demolished.

Opened as the Classic Theatre in 1914 Renamed the Algonac Theatre in 1933 Seats: 400. Based on the films listed on the marquee, this picture would have been taken in 1957. This old downtowner appears to have been quite pleasing to the eye, it would have been interesting to see the interior of this old house I am sure. Unfortunately, there was no trace of the theatre or anything else in this picture when I recently visited Algonac. It appears that strip malls and drug stores have replaced what was once a very quaint downtown area.

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Algonac Theatre - June 1948 From A S Al Johnson
June 1948 From A S Al Johnson
Algonac Theatre - Old Post Card View
Old Post Card View
Algonac Theatre - 1929 Photo From Paul
1929 Photo From Paul
Algonac Theatre - 1951 Photo From Paul
1951 Photo From Paul
Algonac Theatre - Fire In The Booth Dec 3 1937
Fire In The Booth Dec 3 1937 © 2025 Over 81,997,344 Served