Miller Opera House - Vassar MI

Address: 113 W Huron Ave
City: Vassar
State: MI
Zip: 48768
County: Tuscola
Capacity: 700
Owner History:
Theater Type: N/A
Number of visits to this page: 23431

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General Information:

Source: Carolyn Rapson

The Miller Opera House was built in 1878-79 by R. H. Miller at the corner of Huron and Main Streets. It was a three story brick building with general stores on the first level. The original cost was $7500. and had seating for 700. There was a stage, auditorium and a circular balcony with a hand painted dome. It was lit by gas jets along the wall. In 1931 it was remodeled to be a wallpaper showroom and warehouse for the Millers Drug Store below. The whole building was demolished in Oct. 1987 to build a bank and mall.

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Miller Opera House - Miller Bldg Carolyn Rapson
Miller Bldg Carolyn Rapson
Miller Opera House - Opera House Inside Seated 700 Carolyn Rapson
Opera House Inside Seated 700 Carolyn Rapson
Miller Opera House - Opera House Vassar From Carolyn Rapson
Opera House Vassar From Carolyn Rapson © 2025 Over 81,567,935 Served