Almont Theatre - Almont MI

Address: 219 Main St
City: Almont
State: MI
Zip: 48003
County: Lapeer
Open: 1911
Owner History:
Theater Type: Downtown Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 20660

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

AKA Main Theater, possibly Star Theatre also. Still researching if there were multiple houses or only one that changed names over the years.

Info Updates:
2/14/2021 - Andy Gray

Here's a photo of the Almont Theatre at 219 S. Main Street in Almont Township, Michigan. The 35mm slide was shot by my Grandfather A.S. "Al" Johnson in June 1948. This theater isn't listed in the Johnson Construction Co. theater jobs that Al's son A.S. Johnson Jr. compiled in the early 2000's, but the front of the theater resembles several other theaters that Al built or remodeled during that era.

The image shows two sets of red "art moderne" style double doors with large half-round glass, which were a common feature of several theaters built or remodeled by Johnson Construction Co. in the 1940's and 50's. Family lore refers to them as "Johnson Doors."

1/10/2004 - Box Office Magazine
August 1958 - Bill Clark is taking over buying for and booking of films for Alex Dubovenko's Almont Theatre at Almont and for the two run by the Tesluck family, the Yale at Yale and Marine at Croswell.
Almont Theatre - Almont Theatre June 1948 From A S Al Johnson
Almont Theatre June 1948 From A S Al Johnson
Almont Theatre - Summer 2020
Summer 2020
Almont Theatre - Summer 2020
Summer 2020
Almont Theatre - Summer 2020
Summer 2020
Almont Theatre - From Main Street
From Main Street
Almont Theatre - July 6 2022
July 6 2022
Almont Theatre - 1953 Photo From Paul
1953 Photo From Paul
Almont Theatre - 17 July 1957 Ad
17 July 1957 Ad
Almont Theatre - April 3 1949 Changes Hands
April 3 1949 Changes Hands
Almont Theatre - Jan 15 1920 Anniversary Article
Jan 15 1920 Anniversary Article
Almont Theatre - Jan 15 1920
Jan 15 1920
Almont Theatre - May 13 1958
May 13 1958
Almont Theatre - May 4 1916
May 4 1916
Almont Theatre - Nov 9 1971 Article Mentioning Almont
Nov 9 1971 Article Mentioning Almont
Almont Theatre - Oct 11 1926
Oct 11 1926
Almont Theatre - Oct 30 1985 Former Operator Passes On
Oct 30 1985 Former Operator Passes On
Almont Theatre - Sept 16 1951
Sept 16 1951 © 2025 Over 85,995,165 Served