Midway Theatre - Davison MI

Address: 207 E Flint St
City: Davison
State: MI
Zip: 48423
County: Genesee
Open: 1940
Owner History:
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 7805

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

The Midway Theatre was opened in 1940 and closed in 1967. It went over to retail use before being demolished in 2004.

Click the following links for locations of interest nearby:
Info Updates:
7/25/2009 - ED ball
in 1971 I lived in the house next door to the theater which is in the picture. At that time it was operated as a pool hall.
5/3/2005 - Kathy Metivier
The tall metal ticket box from the Davison Midway Theater was donated last year to the Linden Mills Historical Museum in Linden, Michigan and is on display there. The projectors from the Midway Theater were sold to a Swartz Creek resident in 1975 and now they are now at a private residence in West Virginia.
1/10/2004 - Box Office Magazine
Aprin 1959 Issue - Harold Muir has left the Midway Theatre at Davison, which he has managed for the past five years, during a period when the house has gained a reputation among showmen for building up the business to one the state's really profitable operations. The Midway will be managed by John R. Hobolth, former owner and manager of the De Luxe Theatre in Imlay City, who also is one of the heirs of the estate of the late Mrs. Harry Hobolth. The house was established by the late Harry Hobolth as one of the major units of his well-known circuit. "The Theatre is still putting out the SRO sign occasionally and doing a very satisfactory business," Muir said. Muir reports no immediate plans for activity. He formerly managed the De Luxe for 15 years, and for 12 years operated an educational film service in 83 schools.
12/18/2003 - Box Office Magazine
June 1959 - The estate of the late Mrs. Vida Hobolth has sold the Midway at Davison, which she operated following the death of her husband, circuit builder Harry Hobolth. The new owner is John Gay, well-known locally as owner of the Davison Lumber Co. Floyd Chrysler will continue to buy film for the house.
Midway Theatre - July 2002 Photo
July 2002 Photo
Midway Theatre - August 1940 Opening
August 1940 Opening
Midway Theatre - Feb 5 1952 Article Changing Hands
Feb 5 1952 Article Changing Hands
Midway Theatre - Nov 23 2003 Demo Story
Nov 23 2003 Demo Story
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