Harbor Theatre - Ecorse MI

Address: 4195 W Jefferson
City: Ecorse
State: MI
Zip: 48229
County: Wayne
Owner History:
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 13862

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General Information:

Source: Jim Thompson

I believe but can't swear to the fact that the Harbor Theater was built around 1949 and was owned by Dan Bazovi (not sure of the spelling) who owned the original Ecorse Theater (aka: the Cracker Box) that was located midtown a half block from Lovelands Drugs which was at the corner of Saliotte and Jefferson. When it was built the Harbor Theater had all of the newest and latest of everything that could be put into a theater. A very big lobby and the largest and best of concession counters.

The beautifully upholstered seats slid forward to give you more relaxed seating and then would slid back again to let someone pass to another seat. There was an upstairs soundproof nersery where mothers with babies or noisy children could try to watch a movie as well. I was one of the lucky people to able to watch the very first movie that was shown of the gigantic screen although I was not on the special invited guest list. A couple of my friends and I just happened to be in the neighborhood of the theater on it's grand opening night and I would guess that the air conditioning was not working yet so they had the emergency exit doors propped open.

The exit door at stage left had heavy velvet drapes hung in front of it and as the lights in the theater dimmed we crawled in under the drapes and pulled ourselves up into a slouched position in the front row of seats. Not the best or most comfortable seat in the house but it was fun and as we have all heard many times Kids will be kids.

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Info Updates:
9/18/2016 - Kim Watters Struthers
We were just talking about the Harbour Theater yesterday. As Keith mentioned above, there was a contest to name the theater. My Aunt, Hollis Sage Flavin won the contest Can you imagine winning $100 back in 1948? I am emailing the newspaper clipping/picture to you.
2/18/2011 - Sally
Yes, the Harbor was owned/run for a while by Andrew and Dan BZOVI. They later owned the Holiday-In at West Road and Telegraph. the surname is Romanian. I was very excited to see pics of the theater, as my good friend whose genealogy I am working on, is related to Daniel and Andrew. Apparently, in the 1950's Andrew had purchased some acreage in Livonia, with the intent of putting up a Drive -in theatre, and this resulted in a case referred to Bzovi vs. Livonia, regarding land usage, etc.
1/28/2011 - Keith
From what I understand, the name Harbor came from a newspaper contest requesting a suitable name for the theater. Thus the name The Harbor Theater a take off on a boat harbor because of the close proximity to the Detroit River. This story was told to me while I was there ( taking photos )during the demolition. The gentleman was a retiree from Ecorse and had total recall on the subject.
7/5/2006 - JerryD
This theatre was operated for a very short period in 1964-65 by Nicholas George Theatres, (NGT) Joe Busic was the District Manager for NGT at the time.
Harbor Theatre - From American Classic Images
From American Classic Images
Harbor Theatre - From American Classic Images
From American Classic Images
Harbor Theatre - Old Photo
Old Photo
Harbor Theatre - From Driveinspeakers Dot Com
From Driveinspeakers Dot Com
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