Palace Theatre - Flint MI

Address: 205 E Kearsley St
City: Flint
State: MI
Zip: 48502
County: Genesee
Open: 1917
Capacity: 1348
Owner History: Butterfield Theatres
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 16363

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General Information:

The Palace Theatre was built in 1917 for the Butterfield Theaters chain. It seated 1,348. This theatre and the Capitol Theatre just two blocks South were the two first run movie theaters in Flint. The Palace Theater went through a renovation in 1950 both inside and outside to the plans of C. Howard Crane & Associates. The renovation removed the previous ornate design and replaced it with Art Deco style decorations.

It closed in 1976 to make way for the University of Michigan-Flint campus. It was demolished in 1977. There was a plea to save the theatre building itself but it was determined that it would be too costly to save the 60 year old building. [Chuck Van Bibber via Cinema Treasures]

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Palace Theatre - Old Photo From Ron
Old Photo From Ron
Palace Theatre - Old Photo From Ron
Old Photo From Ron
Palace Theatre - Then
Palace Theatre - Then
Palace Theatre - Palace Now From Gary Flinn
Palace Now From Gary Flinn © 2025 Over 81,574,812 Served