Regent Theatre - Kalamazoo MI

Address: 139-41 S Rose St
City: Kalamazoo
State: MI
Zip: 49007
County: Kalamazoo
Open: 1882
Capacity: 1250
Owner History:
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 5907

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General Information:

From Cinema Treasures

The Academy of Music was built and run as a legitimate theatre from May 8, 1882 to June 4, 1919, then as vaudeville and film house (renamed Regent Theatre) after August 31, 1919 when it had been remodeled to the plans of architect John Eberson. Destroyed by fire on June 11, 1930.

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Regent Theatre - From Cinema Treasures
From Cinema Treasures
Regent Theatre - Gone
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