Fargo Gas - Elsie MI

Address: 7541 N Hollister Rd
City: Elsie
State: MI
Zip: 48831
County: Clinton
Number of visits to this page: 2578

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General Information:

I spotted this place on a road trip through Elsie and I hadn't seen this brand of gas before. It isn't on the lists of gas retailers on Wikipedia. I did find some mentions of it in the Michigan newspaper archives, but not this location specifically. The name seems to be short for "Farmers Gas and Oil". They may have been headquartered in Ithaca Michigan. Perhaps they were a small regional brand. Looking at the historical street views, it appears this location has been closed for quite a few years yet remains pretty much intact. It seems as if someone is taking care of the place.

Click the following links for locations of interest nearby:
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Fargo Gas - May 2022 Photo
May 2022 Photo
Fargo Gas - Aug 15 1974 Ad For Shocks
Aug 15 1974 Ad For Shocks
Fargo Gas - Mar 5 1995 Robbery
Mar 5 1995 Robbery
Fargo Gas - Sept 1973 Reward For Robbery
Sept 1973 Reward For Robbery
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