Dixie Motor Speedway - Birch Run MI

Address: 10945 Dixie Hwy
City: Birch Run
State: MI
Zip: 48415
County: Saginaw
Number of visits to this page: 39879

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Chris Fobbe

Dixie Motor Speedway has been a showcase of Auto Racing Talent from its beginning over 50 years ago. Many a driver, now household names, have graced the asphalt (and dirt) at The Dixie during their formative years. Names like: Benny Parsons, English, Catlin, Cy Fairchild, Roberts, Gordon Johncock, Mel Kenyon, Biederman, Sweet, P. Jones, Hanley, Bob Senneker, Ed Howe, Joy Fair, Mike Eddy, Dennis Berry, Terrill, Gary Fedewa, and Parnelli Jones to name a few. These drivers were and are the best of the best. Come out and enjoy some of the best racing action around on Friday Nights and watch tomorrow’s champions compete here today, at The Dixie Motor Speedway.

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Info Updates:
10/18/2017 - Randy Adam
Dixie Motor Speedway is NOW BIRCH RUN SPEEDWAY & EVENT CENTER. new owner in 2017. Ran a limited schedule, but big plans for 2018. Place is being upgraded with all kinds of family friendly thoughts in mind. Patio picnic table area with umbrellas, all paved walking areas (easy for wheelchair access). A full size race car simulator for fans and a lot more things to come. They have a new website as well.
2/2/2010 - Pete Banchoff
Matt Prieur has finished compiling all the track champions from the year Dixie opened in 1949. Thanks so much Matt for getting some of the history of Dixie documented and preserved for us old timers to see. I can't imagine the time it took researching 60 years. Thank you again, Matt.

Pete Banchoff
10/13/2009 - Pete Banchoff
Hi everyone, I'm writing here to point out there was some really good racing in the late 50's, 60's and 70's too. I used to watch Supermodifieds race at Dixie from about 1959 to 1966. I saw drivers Gordy Johncock (late 50's), Norm Rust, Jimmy Nelson, Cy Fairchild, Butch Fedewa, Wayne Landon, Wayne Root, Dick Carter, Bob Seelman and others race their Supers. I was there the night Mr Landon nearly severed his left foot when the throttle hung open going into turn 3 in 1963. As far as Superstocks, I saw Joy Fairs little blue Falcon 799 race Danny Byrds 08 Edsel. Don't think that wasn't fun to watch! Other Superstocks I watched were Ed Howe, Benny Parsons, Jack Goodwin, Micky Katlin, Bob Senneker, "polecat" Ray Daniels and many others. Dixie used to run both a Supermodified and Superstock show the same night. I also remember watching a 18 year old kid named Mike Eddy getting his racing career going and for some of the other oldtimers who might remember the bullet fast purple Falcon #70 that Tommy Maier raced in the early 70's. I'm glad to hear that Matt Prieur and staff at Dixie is finally putting together a list of track champions from 1949 to 2009 so we can finally see some history being preserved. There was some great racing throughout the years. I moved away from the area in 1971, but I promise I'll try and get back sometime next year.

Pete Banchoff
South Lyon, Michigan
7/9/2008 - Nate
i agree sean....thats the way it should be..friday saterday....but both tracks need to talk to each other...to work together...jeff wouldnt have a problem if asked the new owner of owasso...jeff is for the racers and the track..whats good for racing and the track jeff is all for it..i think in the next year you will see owassos big turn around with fans and drivers
7/2/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Dixie back to Fridays July 11th from saturdays. As full as Auto City's lot was on saturday i can see why. I was propbably the only person that got anything posative out of the saturday night thing cause I actually went to both tracks. But this is better for the fans, car counts and drivers. Now the tracks need to learn to work together.
5/26/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Pretty good crowd and the parking lot was about 1/2 full. The Supers lacked some of the usual suspects like Joe Bush, but there were several canadian entries as well as two Indiana hot shoes. The car counts were low, hovering between 12 and 18, but that didn't stop the Sportsman from putting on the best sportsman racing I have seen on this side of Michigan yet. Went to both Dixie and AC again. Dixie's show ran quick and smooth and AC had a protracted oil clean up and there show ran till about 12:15 which was great for me because I got to see 6 hours of great racing. Wish these guys would work together. This area could be short track Mecca. AC and Dixie have the unique advantage of being literally 5 minutes apart. A few of the Bomber drivers from Dixie actually headed over to AC after they were done and raced in the feature there. Both tracks had decent crowds, which really speaks to the strength of the sport, especially during these hard times. Kern in the lag tower is hilariously awesome. He gets pee Oed and comes down tot he track, you know someone is going to get a stern Kern talking to. But I will continue to get a stamp on each hand and go to both tracks as long as I can afford it on Saturday and I will go to AC on Fridays in a heart beat. I think it would be completely sad to not have both these tracks, so thank godness for both of em.
5/21/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Hey racers, you should have websites or myspaces so fans don't have to guess where they are racing. We come to see you guys, so make your selves easy to find. Many of us would rather watch you guys at the short tracks than Dale Jr. at Daytona.
5/19/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
First time out to Dixie last night, I went to AutoCity as well. Had to get stamps on separate hands. About 14 cars in each class, same as Autocity. The mods were fun. The 4/10ths mile oval really cooks. Mike Kern was on the Tower flagging which is always fun to watch. Mass confusion in the bomber heats, which were a blast as always. The half mile had the Mods in action and #84 set sail on the rest of the field until a cation came out near the end and the #5 lost power and parked in turn 4. Not sure what the "mystery" caution was for because the #5 seemed to lose power when he slowed for the yellow, not the other way around. How very "Hamlinesque". This allowed Chuck Silva in #11 running second to get close for the restart, but he lost traction and got shuffled back and the 84 took the feature. Must say I think the fans are the ones suffering both tracks running saturdays, but I figured if i was gonna drive that far, I may as well give my money to both. I can only wonder what the car count at Owosso was. Both tracks parking lots seemed about half full to me. Curious to hear Nates take on it.
12/19/2007 - bill murawski
12/3/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
I agree, would somebody please put a track down here, we got the space and the time. Selfridge is ripe for the racing.
12/3/2007 - nathan
yeah guys it was suppose to be right off the highway..where that big mound of dirt and gravel is...now its suppose to be another patsy lou dealership
12/3/2007 - Randy
Don Williamson was running for mayor of Flint I think...I know he had some development proposals, but not sure what the "Sports Conplex" entailed.

IF it were a track in that area...that would just be another saturation of that competetion (Dixie / Auto City) even being dirt (unless he ran it on Sunday afternoons).

But I did not hear the final outcome of this. I think there is enough contravesory with all the Saturday tracks right now, far less building another track in that facinity.
12/1/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
I'm not sure, I remember seeing adverts for the Don Wlliamson sports complex that was supposed to have a race track. I hear it never got of the ground. Randy do you know???
12/1/2007 - Chuck
Sean, What is the story about a dirt track being built near I75 and Mt. Morris?
11/28/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
First let me say, I know my perspective is the exception not the rule. I think you are right about the weather thing, but on a good day I will be at Waterford in the Afternoon, and Auto City and Dixie at night. This might even help Toledo. It will be my only friday option now, though I probably will save the $ for saturday. or maybe they will get half a clue, and book modifieds on Friday.

As far as the Toledo/Flatrock thing goes, that's truly an apples to oranges type deal. The grandstands are so empty at Toledo on a Friday and the regular show so lame that it would seem to hardly make a difference, the crowd would just go to Flatrock. If Toledo disappears, I and others will mourn the loss of what could have and should have been, not what was. It's physically a great yard, but the show isn't there.

Flat Rock seems to have a built in crowd no matter what, nice place but too small for my tastes . But I think those tracks though owned by the same people seem to be very different. infact if you got rid of flatrock, Toledo's attendance would probably double. I used to live a lot closer to Toledo and the Rock than Dixe or AC or Owosso, but I would sooner drive to those tracks than go see a poor show at Toledo or a race on the 1/4 at the rock, though some folks love it.

I think the people who are really into racing go north on 75 and the people who are more into the Nascar culture go south. For mw I have an emotional attachment to certain drivers so I follow them. Where ever the Mike Whalters and Steve Suave's go I will be cheering.
11/27/2007 - Randy
I personally never questioned about the decision of Dixie (as being a spiteful move)....
BUT I do not see the advantage of two close tracks that shared racers and fans running on the same night. There are not enough racers and fans to go to both efficiently (note the word efficiently). And if it is bad weather there will be no racing at all on Saturday for anyone. I know in the past, there might have been a good Friday and a bad Saturday (or visa versa) so you could still get your fill of racing...no 2nd option now.

And change is fine - if it is for a better cause...creating 'challenge' on a weakening economy is not going to create more income. It might work for the fast food industry (as there is back-up $ there). I always have thought 'variety is the spice of life'

Again, I do hope that the two tracks can both be successful on running Saturdays...I want to think positive on this, but am having a hard time with it. Here is an example - Toledo Speedway-Friday nights/Flat Rock Speedway-Saturday nights. You do not see the owner wanting to run both tracks on Saturday as that would not make sense to do so.

The Kerns have been successful as Mr. Dewitt has too...the 'gentleman's agreement' seemed to show there was still that respect in local business.

my last note is the reference about Jeff Gordon and NASCAR is not an apples to apples comparison.
11/20/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
I agree bout the tracks
11/20/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
The latest from the Dixie site,

The Rest of the Story

We love listening to Paul Harveyís ìThe Rest of the Storyî. It always leaves us feeling better about knowing the whole story behind a person or event. Recently, an announcement was made that Dixie would be making a move to Saturdayís for the 2008 racing season. It certainly generated conversation among racers. A brief explanation was included with the announcement in order to help some understand the rationale behind the move.

When asked to do an interview for a local newspaper, it seemed like a good opportunity to let folks know what led us to this point. Unfortunately, it proved only to further complicate things by compelling readers to draw a completely inaccurate conclusion because it didnít tell ìthe rest of the storyî.

Rarely do we respond to an issue publicly. Even if things being said, posted or published are not true, 99% of the time, we will let them go. Criticism goes with the territory. Nobody likes it and we're sure very few of you are scrutinized to the degree that track owners are for every decision you make. But in this case, the story was so off-target relative to our actual motives that it became necessary to clear things up.

Stories are edited to fit the space allotted and unfortunately, critical points can be left out in the process. Thatís what happened in this case; leaving many (friends and supporters included) with the impression that we are moving to Saturdayís as revenge for actions taken by another speedway. To be sure, there was a great deal left out of the story. But in this account, we are not going to get into the minutiae of every decision made by area promoters and how they affect racers, fans or other tracks and we are not going to ìthrow anybody under the busî either; just give you enough of our story to help you understand.

Firstly, as most of you know, the 2 local tracks have co-existed for quite a number of years. Since 1996, when Krista and I came to Dixie , that working relationship continued with each track honoring the unwritten agreement not to step on the others feet. As a matter of fact, we frequently promoted events at each others tracks and shared rules, employees and conversed regularly. Because of that relationship, scheduling Saturday events was never even a consideration. Over the past 7 or 8 seasons however, decisions were made that began to erode that long-standing rapport.

Taking into account current economics and the direction other area tracks are taking, it became clear that we should re-think our position. So, after years of outright dismissing even the possibility of Saturdays as an option, it was time to at least consider the benefit a move to Saturdays could provide. After all, as one supporter said, ìSaturday is the Jewelî. Owosso saw that years ago when they made the move to Saturdayís. And over the years, we have lost sponsors because we offered them Friday events only. They went to Saturday tracks instead. Area hotels, CVBís and Chambers regularly look for local entertainment and entertainment destinations for guests and tourists. We could not offer these customers anything because we were closed on Saturday; the peak day of the week for travelers. Many things factored into the decision to move to Saturday; needs of racers, fans, staff, sponsors, track and owners. After objective consideration, the decision was made. It was a decision looking forward to the future health of our sport and facility; not backward as payback for something that happened in the past.

Our decisions are based on the best interest of our patrons, not on what will most hurt a competitor. Those of you who really know us, know better. Those of you who donít will throw stones regardless. A seasoned promoter counseled me, ìAlthough track operators are not always pleased with decisions other tracks make, theyíre business decisions made in their tracks best interest. Donít take it personally. But be aware of whatís going on around you, and change direction to keep up with the needs of the majority of your customersî. He added, ìI used to get mad at other promoters if they stepped on my toes. Now we understand itís just businessî. We think those words are very true and do our best to mirror that approach. Itís not always easy. When we are judging someone elseís world, we may not be able to temper our conclusions with empathy. However, harsh reality can set in very quickly and becomes very real for each of us when it is our own little world in question. When it was announced that a Sporting Complex was to be built at I-75 in Mt. Morris , including a big dirt track, I was told by an area promoter, ìIíll do whatever it takes to survive, even if it means running on Fridayî. Obviously, we weren't very excited about the possibility. It would really shake up our little world here at Dixie . But that remains their option, just as we have the option to operate on what most-everyone agrees is the best night of the week. Our toes have been stepped on plenty over the years, but we're sure it hasnít been personal. Our decision isnít personal either.

With area tracks all on Saturday night, the big winners should be the racers and fans as each track does itís best to attract customers with tight, efficient programs; good food and drinks at a fair price; quality, value-priced entertainment; and better customer (racer) service.

We know nobody likes change. Just ask Jeff Gordon. If NASCAR had not changed the point system, he would have just won his 6th championship and I would be rubbing your nose in it all year. But like Jeff, we must go on, take our lumps and hope that you who have supported us will understand and continue to do so. Although the change to Saturday doesnít work for everyone, we have received many calls and e-mails from racers who will now be able to run at Dixie , and all of our sponsors have responded positively. It works for them; we hope it works for you to.

Our apologies to those of you who misunderstood our intentions. We hope this will clear things up for you a bit. If you care to, give me a call. Iíll be happy to listen to you. Rest assured it will be some time before my next newspaper interview.

Thanks for your understanding and Happy Thanksgiving to you all,

Mike & Krista

Dixie Motor Speedway
11/17/2007 - Randy
I am all about the factory stocks (sportsman). Add in Larry Plamondon's 67 Camaro.
And the led sleds (bombers). That does bring back the days of racers racin just to race.
I have to say though, I really think that Auto City has a better small track than Dixie, but Dixie does (in my opinion) have a better big track.

11/15/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Actually now that I think of it the Fabbed body chevy is in the factory Stocks. And Souves's original 69...That's what's cool about the low buck divisions
11/14/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Whittemore and Owosso are really too far for me to make a go of them on a regular basis. I will be going to Dixe and Autocity. I think I'm gonna try and go see Mike Whalter as much as I can. I love to see that Nova race. It's funny, as cool as lates and supers are, I must say I like the sportsman and the factorys and bombers a lot too. Just the opposite at Toledo.

Down there, the factorys aren't worth the 8 bucks to get in cause that 1/6 mile is soo bad and the cars are all the same. What's rerally cool about autocity and dixie is how deverse the cars are in the FS division. Reminds me of the old days of real car late Models. And let's not forget about the 56 Chevy's, 62 Chevy and the El Camino that show up in the bombers. Now they are cool.
11/14/2007 - Randy
Here is a perfect example of 'what track to choose' - Where is Larry Loyns going to end up? Where will his dedication be? Since he did announcing at both tracks.

I am looking for a bright side to this (4 tracks running the same night in close proxcimity), but cannot come up with anything...
11/14/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Yeah i guess I'm an idealist, I like the idea of Friday sat Sunday for the three tracks better, or maybe dixie on Sundays. I still like the idea of a track between Port Huron and Detroit. E-mail me if you get a chance. I may have a small foot ina small door. Sean
11/13/2007 - Randy
Sean...you are a purist race fan and an exception to the basic fan. I commend you on wanting to go to both tracks (the cost of admission to both is more than I want to handle after gas to and from). BUT I do not see the fans doing this.

I see this as a split of racers and fans...it will only make car counts less and if there is a favorite track for the racers / fans, then someone is going to suffer. Look at the pix I posted of Owosso on here...check out the stands.

I understand business decisions being a major controlling factor, but I also am looking into my crystal ball and see that there is going to be suffering somewhere as there are not enough competitors to go around. Car counts have been down in the past few years due to the economy...look at what Mike Kern said even about his sponsors.

I HOPE that all works out for everyone, I would really like to see all 3 tracks work together...but I guess that is a dream like having another Mt. Clemens or Motor City Dragway close to Detroit.

thanks Wat-Wint-Wond for again letting us voice our opinions and thoughts.
11/11/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
from the Dixie website

November 6, 2007

For Immediate Release


Track officials have announced that beginning with the 2008 season, Dixie Motor Speedway will schedule events primarily on Saturdays. The move comes after a season full of speculation about a change in the day of operation for the 3-track facility.

The speedway, built in 1948, operated on Sundays for many, many years and then, in the 80ís and early 90ís, ran on Thursdays, then again on Sundays, and finally settled on Fridays for nearly 20 yrs. Local residents, Mike and Krista Kern purchased the Birch Run landmark in 1996 and have made numerous capital improvements along the way, the most significant of which was the construction of a new 4/10-mile asphalt oval in 2003. Among other additions, new lighting accompanied the new track and most recently a new scoreboard was added in 2007.

On Saturdays next year, pit gates will open at 3pm , time trials at 5pm and racing at 7pm. Most events are expected to run about 3-31/2 hrs.

As track owners, Krista and I would like to add the following statement for our fans, racers, crews and sponsors:

It is not our intention to force race teams or fans to choose what track they will support (referring to the fact that Auto City, Owosso and Whittemore Speedways also run on Saturday nights). We appreciate your loyal support over the past dozen seasons and know your support has been very intentional and critical to Dixieís success. We provide the racers and race-going public what we think is the areas premier entertainment product and need to offer it on what we think is the best night of the week; Saturday.

Track officials have contemplated the idea for some time but had always decided to ìnot rock the boatî. But ìnot rocking the boatî doesnít pay the mortgage or the driver point fund. Last season, after losing one sponsor, and nearly losing a major sponsor (both because we did not offer Saturday events) it definitely became a business decision. In past seasons, suggestions to move to Saturday were quickly dismissed. You had your night, you had your show, and that was that. But that unwritten rule has not been honored by all and changed a few years ago. So when the issue came up again, this time it was more seriously considered.

We understand that for some of our racers and fans, moving to Saturday will present a conflict. We understand that and hope that somehow, you can still race with us. But if you canít, we understand and wish you the best. The majority of our patrons however, will find it much easier to get to Dixie on Saturdays. No more, taking time off from work or rushing to get the track to make hot laps or trying to get the kids fed and loaded up in the car (after a hard day at work) and get here by 7:30 for the first race. As a matter of fact, because of work schedules, numerous teams and countless fans that have never had the chance to experience Dixie will finally get the opportunity.

As all of you would agree, without drivers and race facilities, there would be no racing. More importantly however is the fact that FANS drive our sport. In order to continue our progress, we need to expand our horizons to include the more casual fan. With Dixie being located in the Michigan ís premier tourist hub, we need to market ourselves more aggressively to them. They are just one mile down the road. But if our product is not available when the customers want it, we will never get them through the gates at Dixie . We have received many phone calls from area hotels, wanting to know what we have available for their guests on a Saturday night. What a wasted opportunity. We need to offer our product when our customers need it the most.

For those that are inconvenienced or disappointed by this move; our apologies. I have spoken to some of you, just as I have spoken to many who eagerly support this move. But, all-in-all, this is a business decision that we think will provide the best long-term benefit for all of us. It may take 2-3 years for things to smooth out and we ask for your patience and understanding as we make the transition.


Michael Kern
11/11/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
I'm just crazy enough to go to Dixie and Autocity on the same night. they are only five minutes apart. Sounds like heaven on earth to me actually. Think about it, it's gonna be like being a kid in a candy store with a fist full of quarters.
11/11/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
I agree, but what about autocity, are they going to work something out? No all we need is Toledo to get a clue and put on a reasonable program on Fridays. Wish in one hand..... I guess
11/10/2007 - Racedaymechanic
Dixie is going to Saturdays for 08, its a smart move
10/2/2007 - Nate
nope sean just a rumer..that rumer flyies every year..even jeff from whittamore even debunked it..i heard rumers that kerns going to buy owosso..thats where he would be racing sat night..but just rumers nothin set in stone so far..but i think owosso really needs mikes help.mike has a great thing going with dixie.i cant see him throwing it away..like that..we all have to rember mike was a racer..and being a promoter is good for mike..he doesnt race at his track.like dave bigoes,he doesnt take the points or the money from racing his own track...all the money he makes goes into the track..the way it should be..every year there is something new or upgraded to make the fans and the racers happy..i herd for next year its going to be a new front strech fence..and some other stuff..but those to are rumers..
9/28/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
There was a rumor going round that Dixie was up for sale to the folks at whittemore, so I inquired with the Kerns, Here's the response I got.

Sean - This is news to me, we have not been offered or received one thin dime, so obviously it is a rumor. If we were ever able to sell, I'm sure we would have something on the website announcing this. Until then I hope we continue to have some great races for you to come and see.

Thank you for your support.


Dixie Motor Speedway
9/14/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
This is an email I just got from Dixie:

This Weekend's events have been postponed until Sept. 28th and 29th.

Due to the inclement weather on Friday and near record-setting cold temperatures forecasted for Saturday, Dixie track officials determined it was necessary to reschedule the 2-day event.

We know this is a major inconvenience for our fans and racers and ask for you to understand that an event of this caliber needs to work for everyone. With the largest cash purse paid out in Eastern Michigan, approaching $80,000, reasonable weather conditions are a must.

Please watch for website updates regarding exact schedule and times information.

Once again, this weekend's events have not been cancelled but have been rescheduled for Sept 28th and 29th.

8/18/2007 - Nate
sean yeah i was there when tim took 2nd he just couldnt get around the 75..don tuck is a good driver...yeah i forgot to mention dixie put the score board up,,my bad...but it was a good night of racing..i dont know if you seen the big semi out front sean...that was my truck..on my why home the truck seems to pull right in there..it has a mind of its own..kern is a nice guy to talk to and he just keeps improving that track...but my hat is off to joe at auto city is trying hard..he wants all the cars to come race..hes trying to make everyone happy...good job dixie once again..ill be at owosso for the asa race if ya guys go..keep at look out....everybody said the asa race a dixie was a great race to although i didnt go..couldnt pull the truck in there to many people...but the truck just wanted to i had to tell her no
8/14/2007 - Randy
Bravo Sean... I have to say, I have not made it to Toledo this year (due to work schedule) but from what I hear, they are hurtin' a bit as well. But that is hear-say as I mentioned, I have not experienced the track this year.
8/14/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
I have to say I love the attention given the racing here. they never seem to let the promotions get in the way of the show. That's the way it should be everywhere. I will be interested to attend Autocity and see how the show goes. I enjoy that both tracks are into hosting other events on off nights. Love to see the sporty cars from waterford make a trip to dixie as i'm told they once did to Toledo. Ya know ARCA and Toledo should take a page from the Mike Kern (and serious fans Randy, Nate Sean ) book of how to put on a good show!!!!
8/13/2007 - Randy
That is great to hear (a SCOREBOARD)...I remember at the end of the 06 season last year Mike Kern making light to the crowd about passing the hat aroound to be able to afford a scoreboard - he remarked "if everyone in the crowd tonight could just dorp a $1,000 check in the hat, we will have a new scoreboard for next year". This is such a good track...as well as good owner...keep up the good work!
8/11/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Interesting fun night at Dixie. I kept looking at the scoreboard out off turn three, watching the laps count down, guess what, THEY NOW HAVE A SCOREBOARD!!!!!. And it is super easy to read and lists the first 5 positions, not just 4, as well as lap count!!!!!This place just gets better every freaking week. One bone of contention, Mike Whalther got totally jobbed out of any shot for a win in the feature by some really bad umping. He was clearly spun out, but because the other driver refused to take responsibility he was sent to the second from the back. That's the way they decide thing these days, but when it's blatantly obvious to everyone in the stands, timing and scoring need to step up. The factory stock feature ended up in a big blow up with some unruly fan antics, but I think track officials did there best with the finish, though I think a green white checker would have worked better.71 took 2nd in the Sportsman feature. Good Job, Nate should like that. Figure 8 race was awesome!!!I told Mike Kern they should run the double oh with the sportsman and the factory stocks, and he said, no way, we have enough action as it is. Ya know he's right, there is a ton of action at this track. I said i wished more factory stocks would run on the half and he said, "Tell them". Obviously he does too. Great night and I totally feel like I got my moneys worth. way to go Dixie!!!!!!
8/7/2007 - Randy
I ditto that comment...good to see a driver on here...like comments from Bill M from Owendale/Mt. Pleasent. Go fast, turn left! Keep up the good racin' Kyle!!!
8/6/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Kyle Thanks. Nice to hear from a driver, thanks for the info.
8/6/2007 - Nate
kyle..how the hell are ya..welcome to our little heaven here of all the tracks..havent got to watch ya race in awhile...guys him and tim near put on a hell of a show..they can run side by side..and not touch..good racing between them two...kyle is a excelent driver..and is going to go far in the sport..like the rest of his family..is younger brother curt.went for a hell of a ride over ed newmans hoods friday...you and tim are good friends..but in some sick way i hope a little rivalry comes out of this..you 2 guys run a excellent race...cant say enough good things about this guy...he represents what a driver should be..always has time to talk to ya if you seen him in the stands,pits,,great bunch of guys...good luck kyle
8/6/2007 - Kyle Hayden
Also, for your information. The aerial photo is from pre-2003. The big oval you see is actually the old pit road. You would exit off of turn one and enter in turn 4. That is not the current 4/10ths mile.
8/6/2007 - Kyle Hayden
Sean, a few years ago Mike Kern eliminated the FS class and created the Sportsman. Well, not a lot of the FS guys wanted to move on to the big track and never returned to Dixie. This is why Mike decided to bring back the FS on the quarter-mile in 2006. There is room for both divisions. A lot of FS guys want to travel easily, so they will not change gears to run the big track. My car is a complete factory stock with a different gear and spoiler. Guys can run both but its very hard to do. See ya at the track! Kyle Hayden #22 Sportsman/Factory Stock
8/2/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
not sure about Tim Near, I actually looked for him. I saw a 71 and thought that was him but I guess not. It sure was an awesome night. I felt like I got my money and times worth and more!
8/2/2007 - Nate
sean..mike is a good driver,,but the one that turns my head is robbie johnston #55 fs,,that man can run the wheels off his car,aggressive to,,i love that,not to mention to watch him come from the back..how did my man tim near do,,i know my other buddy hit the wall in the 888 chad...dont know if he can get it fixed or not
7/29/2007 - sean fitzgeralds
Oh yeah, almost forgot the best part. The wonderful stands were 3/4 full!!!!!!!
7/29/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
What an awesome night last night at Dixie. Good strong feilds of cars and trucks. Sportsman running side by side, lap after lap, led sleds four and three wide two rows deep, including a 56 Chevy ! And what about that 67 Chevy sportsman!!!!! Awesome pro late model feature, the trucks were great. The two ladies in the trucks drove great taking a 4th and a 5th. There were non racing promotions but they were kept short and sweet. The track crew did a great job of cleaning up the wrecks quickly and efficiently. What about that awesome save by the # 27 modified, smoking the tires hard on the throttle all the way out of 4 to keep it gathered. Kudos to Chuck in the 311. But the coolest thing of all was the Factory stock feature. Mike Walther was ridiculous as he waxed the field in his wonderful 72 Nova. That guy is awesome! I normally hate it when one guy just runs away but watching that thing fly around that track was great.
7/19/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Actually what i am suggesting is combing the sportsman and the factory stocks into a BIG!!!! sportsman division on the 4/10s, getting rid of the factory stocks on the 3rd mile, with the template sportsman moving up to the pro latemodels. The remaining classes would be. Hobby Stock (Led Sleds ), Sportsmen (factory stocks and sportsman combined on the 4/10s), pro late modles (template cars), modifieds, 4 bangers and supers, (outlaw style cars). Every factory stock should be on the half and called a sportsman is my point. I was there last week and they didn't run the sportsman or the pro's just the supers, factory stocks, led sleds and modifieds.
7/19/2007 - Nate
sean they already do that...the sportsman are the factory stocks on the 4/10..they only thing different is the gear in witch to run the track...and a spoiler.otherwise they are factory stocks...they only have a couple of templete bodie cars one is chet allen but the wheel base is smaller..look at his car it looks funny because of the wheel base.is shorter.tim near and kyle hayden run the sportsman.tims car is a camaro and kyles is monte carlo...the factory stocks could run up there they just need to put a spoiler on and change their gears...if your talking about ..template bodied cars those are the limited late models...and if you where there last week they didnt run the sportsman and you saw pro late models 2 different classes.in horse power and parts to put on the cars and are lighter
7/17/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
A gentlemen next to me said they should run the factory stocks on the 4/10s and I agree. Put the sportsman in with the pro latemodels since they are template cars anyway. How cool would be to see Mike Whalthers #5 72 Nova and Gary's 68 camaro on the half! Be just like the late models of old. Can't wait to see who shows up with the first real dodge charger!
7/15/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Had a great night at Dixie. The funny thing was that it actually made me appreciate Auto City as a track, something about the long back stretch curve and the awesome small track. Dixie however is no slouch! I wish Kern ran Auto City, although I've talked to Joe and he seems like a good guy, maybe it isn't his fault. Dixie however does have the worlds most comfortable grandstands. DEEZ nuts rule too. I feel horrible hearing about Lee Anderson #18. He was always great to watch and gave people a lot of joy and his family can be very proud of him. Best wishes to them.
7/10/2007 - Nate
7/5/2007 - Randy
Well...again an AWESOME show of racing and destruction. I tip my hat to the Kerns again...I arrived 1 hour early to get to the track Sunday night and WOW...I had to wait in line for about 1/2 hour or longer to get in. THEN we got bussed over to the backstretch pit bleachers as the frontstretch stands were full. Great night of racing as the MODS raced a "NO CAUTION" feature. Just bummed that Tony Brabbs couldn't make the show. And can't tell me that "destruction" doesn't bring in the crowd as the stands were packed with kids/parents and race fans that cheered as trailers were destroyed, busses raced on the fighure 8 (one kept on 3 wheels on every turn) and the 'trailer races' where hilarous.... Again, KERNS know how to do it right...some other tracks should take notes and incorperate some of these ideas. Thank you Mike and Christa for an awesome entertaining night!!!!
6/7/2007 - Nate
i don't know where the pics are but there not on here yet its been a week
6/4/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Nate, try FedexKinkos for the scanning, although they are pricey at times.
6/3/2007 - Nate
hey guys i posted some pics of kerns car and a few others on here i have more just no time to but them all in...was there friday night at the track god it was a good show the figure 8s was a cool crash and alot of last lap passes for the lead in the features it was all good
6/1/2007 - Nate
i need to figure out where i can go to get it scanned and put to a disc as soon as i find out where i can do this at i will get it done i have a lot of pics of drivers and cars but there not on the computer yet but i will i just have to find a place to do it at
5/22/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
ASA is 8/17
5/22/2007 - Randy
Nate...post that picture you have of Kern's ride!!!
5/22/2007 - Nate
yes dixi is having an asa race followed by owasso i just left the asa page and forgot the date i wanna say july 16 or 26 somthin like that...this is the best speed plant in the state good job mike kern...kern if you read this i have a pic of you in your #7 white super would like to sent it to ya....and ps buy tri city and make it come alive
5/7/2007 - Randy
Went to Dixie this past Friday for there opener and another great show...But a very sad evening at Auto City on Saturday. My condolences go out to the Scott Seaton family.
5/6/2007 - Nate
you guys race fan is talking about way back when.when dixi first had the idea to match auto city back a few years..when the cars went off in turn one you use to go way around the track to the pits behind allgator alley..and they would enter off turn 4..that was oringinally suppose to be the half mile..but if they would of done that there would of been no pits..so kern took out the aligator pit and but the pits back there good idea i think...i remember cars flying off turn 3 i use to think that was so cool...when my dad raced there back in the old sprint car days he was tell me about cy fairchild#99 and harry jones 00 pushing snellberg off the track into the back of someones truck...back when racin was racin
3/12/2007 - Randy
Race Fan & Sean, this is really odd...I mapquested (aerial) the track and if you get the close as you can view it shows the pic that has been posted here at wat.wint.wond. BUT if you click ONE notch out (zoom out), it shows the track in a realistic NOW view. The pics are not the same...the close view is skewed from the other...look at the pit entrance and pit area on the zoomed out view. Not sure why it is this way, but it almost seems like the close view is from many years ago and the one click out view is more todays look.
3/1/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Both Tracks depicted in the aerial are paved. the inner is 1/3 the outer is 4/10s. It would have been great if they had made the 4/10s a true 1/2 or bigger like the Clem. A track with long straights. It'd be great if Toledo would figure it out what dixie did and dig up that 1/6 mile and then only having one division on the 1/2 mile per regular show would be worth the drive.
2/28/2007 - Race Fan
I am talking about the space aerial . the black & white one. the track i am talk about is where the race cars use to pit when they only had the 1/3 mile. i wonder why they didn't pave that and make it real 1/2 mile. it looks like they had the room.
2/23/2007 - Randy
RACE FAN- That picture might be a bit deceiving as how the sun is hitting the track. Both ovals are paved. In the picture it "looks" like it is dirt, but definitely is not. This is an awesome track to attend for races...you should check it out!
2/23/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
The 4/10s mile big track is paved, perhaps the ariel shows it under construction of few years back. It is not a true 1/2 but is still good sized. 2/10s is 2/10s.
2/23/2007 - Dave DeHem
Race Fan, Dixie has both a paved 1/3 mile and a paved 1/2 mile that sgare the same frontstretch. In other words, the 1/2 mile grew out of the 1/3 mile and is shaped as a "D"oval with the "D" being on the backstretch side of the race track. They race weekly on Friday nights with it's own brand of "pro lates" which includes crate motor/template body cars along with outlaw body/home built motors, sportsman on the 1/2, modifieds on the 1/2, and factory stocks and a led slead type car on the 1/3 mile. Specials include the Outlaw bodied Super Lates in the "Dixie Cup" series, I believe the AVSS Sprint cars will be there as well as Legends Cars, Figure 8's and a figure 8 trailer race that is hilarious to watch. I have raced there a few times in a Legends car on the 1/3 mile and it is a fun track to drive. The lighting is the best you will find anywhere as you could read a newspaper in the stands if you wanted to. The Kern family has done an excellent job with the facility.
2/22/2007 - Race Fan
Why didn't dixie pave the big track that was there in the aerial ? that would have been a cool track.
1/19/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
ASA is August 17th
12/25/2006 - Bill Murawski Jr.
i here dixie is having a asa race 2007 ?
10/18/2006 - Bob
I love the new track. i thing i miss is watching the cars coming into the pits because you never knew what good driver that wasn't a regular show up. but i'm looking for info on races or season standings back in the 60's and 70's my dad and i use to go there almost every sunday.
9/7/2006 - Randy Adam
Went to Dixie this past Friday and what a great show the Kerns put on. Really bad looking accident in the late model class as 1 car stalled out on the backstrech and was trying to make it to the pit entrance when it was rear ended by a "few" other cars. a HUGE fire broke out and it looked very bad. All drivers made it out OK and the track safety crew was right on it and did a GREAT job of getting all under control. That did make for a late night of racing, but all worth it...keep up the good work Dixie MS. They still have a few nights left that they will be racing...you should really check this track out...
7/19/2006 - Sean Fitzgerald
Photo that says track is actually the parking lot with Grandstands in distance. Great aerial Randy!
7/5/2006 - Sean Fitzgerald
The grandstands at Dixie are great with plenty of leg room. Not as steep as most but you usually still get a good view. They even have some old folding chairs mounted with backs. Really good concession area too. The last super show I was at though was kinda rough as it took em a long time to get the track cleaned up after a wreck and one car kept causing yellows, at least 6, and was not sent home. If not for that someone might have made a run at the leader. Last super show they had they had short track trucks and they were fun, this time legends. I really gave the legends a chance at Toledo, Springsport and Dixie, but I personally just dont get em. Maybe its because I remember real 30s coupes at the very end of theyre existence, and it just makes me miss em. The factory stocks this year have included Steve Souves original late model, a 73 Nova, a 56 Chevy(of which there are a couple) , a 6os bodied Chevy and a 68 Camaro, all of which appear to be real cars except the Chevy.
2/28/2006 - Sean Fitzgerald
Dixie offers quite a value on nights when its just a regular show. The big track down I 75 about 140 miles is a great place to go see a big show like the Glass City or the Faygo 100, and if you havent been there you gotta go, but its offering just one division on the 1/2 per regular show. Dixie offers three divisions on the 4/10s mile and three on the excellent 1/3 mile. The racing is ridiculous good every time I go there. The admission price I think is still going to be 12 bucks. Good racing on a good track puts butts in the seats! Dont know why ARCA doesnt get what Dixie seems to, and put two divisions at least on the 1/2 at Toledo.
2/26/2006 - Randy Adam
I have been here and this track is great. Well kept track, best lighting Ive seen for a track in the area and friendly atmosphere. Just need better turn out of competitors. I will be back this year 2006.
2/7/2005 - Chris Fobbe
Dixie Motor Speedway has been a showcase of Auto Racing Talent from its beginning over 50 years ago. Many a driver, now household names, have graced the asphalt (and dirt) at The Dixie during their formative years. Names like: Benny Parsons, English, Catlin, Cy Fairchild, Roberts, Gordon Johncock, Mel Kenyon, Biederman, Sweet, P. Jones, Hanley, Bob Senneker, Ed Howe, Joy Fair, Mike Eddy, Dennis Berry, Terrill, Gary Fedewa, and Parnelli Jones to name a few. These drivers were and are the best of the best. Come out and enjoy some of the best racing action around on Friday Nights and watch tomorrow’s champions compete here today, at The Dixie Motor Speedway. In August of 1999 The Allison Legacy cars were at our track. Joel Kauffman sponsored by L.A. West Luxury vans also sponsored Geoffrey Bodine and He came to watch his sponsors son race here at Dixie. Look out Geoffrey, Joel may be in your rear view mirror someday in NASCAR. Geoffrey also helped everyone sing Happy Birthday to 3 year old Hannah. We wish you the best in 2000 and glad to here you wll recover after your Daytona accident and God Bless. Firefighters event - Tug-o-war between firefighters and Dixie Track Crew. ABC WJRT TVs Joel Feick was there covering the event. Proceeds benifitted St. Marys burn unit. - 2003 - New state of the art lighting by Qualite Sports lighting & Helm Electric. - Spring 2003, Newly Built High Banked 4/10s mile asphalt "D" shaped oval. - In June of 2003 - Benny Parsons & Brett Bodine visited Dixie and both did Autograph Sessions.
Dixie Motor Speedway - Aerial From Randy
Aerial From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Summer 2006 From Sean Fitzgerald
Summer 2006 From Sean Fitzgerald
Dixie Motor Speedway - Sign
Dixie Motor Speedway - Track
Dixie Motor Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Pete Weiss Dixie From Brian Norton
Pete Weiss Dixie From Brian Norton
Dixie Motor Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Summer 2013 From Randy
Summer 2013 From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Building Entrance From Randy
Building Entrance From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Entrance From Randy
Entrance From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Fig8 From Randy
Fig8 From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Flagstand From Randy
Flagstand From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Flagstand Turn4 From Randy
Flagstand Turn4 From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - From Brian Norton
From Brian Norton
Dixie Motor Speedway - New Ticket Windows From Randy
New Ticket Windows From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Sign From Randy
Sign From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Stands From Randy
Stands From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Summer 2013 From Randy
Summer 2013 From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Turns3-4 From Randy
Turns3-4 From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - Vip-Booth From Randy
Vip-Booth From Randy
Dixie Motor Speedway - From Nathan Lehotan
From Nathan Lehotan
Dixie Motor Speedway - From Nathan Lehotan
From Nathan Lehotan
Dixie Motor Speedway - From Nathan Lehotan
From Nathan Lehotan
Dixie Motor Speedway - From Nathan Lehotan
From Nathan Lehotan
Dixie Motor Speedway - Aerial Photo
Aerial Photo
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