Monroe Fairgrounds Speedway - Monroe MI

Address: 3775 S Custer Rd
City: Monroe
State: MI
Zip: 48161
County: Monroe
Number of visits to this page: 16494

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Ron Gross

Nascar ran a Grand National race here on July 6, 1952. It was 200 laps on the 1/2 mile dirt track. Average speed was 44.499 mph, and the pole speed was 57.6 mph. The race was won by Tim Flock in a '52 Hudson, Herb Thomas was second, and Lee Petty came in third. Nine of the fifteen starters finished the race, and there were two cars on the lead lap.

Info Updates:
6/20/2007 - Art Bean
My Dad Jessie Bean had a 1937 Ford race car there in 1951 that my uncle Lee Goins drove #777. I know it was 1951 because my Dad had a new 1951 Ford that he pulled the race car to the track with. I think it was out South Custer Rd toward Dundee, Ida area. Joe Lake had a garage or tire place on Telegraph Rd and had several race cars there. There were a few more race tracks in the Monroe area. I think they even raced cars on the horse race track on Telegraph Rd or was the horse race track on Dixie Hwy at that time?
8/14/2005 - Chris Fobbe
I am not totally sure, but I do believe nthis track held a NASCAR Grand National series even less than ten years before MIS was built
Monroe Fairgrounds Speedway - From Brain Norton
From Brain Norton
Monroe Fairgrounds Speedway - From Brain Norton
From Brain Norton
Monroe Fairgrounds Speedway - From Brain Norton
From Brain Norton
Monroe Fairgrounds Speedway - 1957 Aerial Photo
1957 Aerial Photo
Monroe Fairgrounds Speedway - June 20 1951
June 20 1951
Monroe Fairgrounds Speedway - Aug 17 1951 Ad
Aug 17 1951 Ad
Monroe Fairgrounds Speedway - July 5 1952 Ad
July 5 1952 Ad © 2025 Over 82,425,775 Served