HomeDrive-In TheatersDixie Drive-In Theatre - Monroe, MI

Dixie Drive-In Theatre - Monroe MI

Address: 6720 North Monroe
City: Monroe
State: MI
Zip: 48162
County: Monroe
Open: 1948 (6-14-48) AD
Closed: 1966 (9-28-66)
Capacity: 275
Owner History: Joseph Weisberg, Dixie Drive-In Theatre Corp.(1950-51 Theatre Catalog)
Number of visits to this page: 15573
General Information:

Source: Andrew Wilson AKA The Librarian

The Dixie DIT in Monroe has a name change as well. The Dixie opened on June 4, 1948 and operated until June 16, 1965. On June 17, 1965 the Dixie became the Star-Lite DIT and specialized in showing films for "Adults Only." The format change must not have worked because the Star-Lite closed on September 28, 1966 and apparently never re-opened. The last ad appears in the September 26th Monroe newspaper.

Info Updates:
10/24/2004 - Robert Stumpmier
This drive in was located where the current Old Towne Sport facility is. The owner of Old Towne, Tom Everett, told me that the wires from the sound system are still in the ground (under the driving range).
10/16/2003 - MichiganDriveIns.com
The Dixie Drive-In Theater remains an unsolved mystery. Its existence has been proven with the 1962 newspaper ad (below), but the actual location is still unknown. The directions in the ad would put it right in the vicinity of the Denniston, and Custer Drive-Ins on M-25 (Monroe Rd), possibly on the east side of the road. The Terra-Server image gives no clues to its location, nor did a recent search along Monroe Rd. The odds of three drive-in theaters operating head-to-head, within a few hundred feet of each other is unlikely, but that does seem to be the case here. It most likely closed in the late 1960s, and all remnants of its existence have long since been wiped away. Any longtime Monroe residents remember the location of this one?
1/6/2003 - MichiganDriveIns.com
Newspaper Ad: Dixie Family Drive-In Theater - Preferred in Monroe - Three Miles North - Route 25 (7-3-62)

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

Dixie Drive-In Theatre - Three Monroe Drive-In Ads July 2 1962
Three Monroe Drive-In Ads July 2 1962
Dixie Drive-In Theatre - Dixie Ad July 2 1962
Dixie Ad July 2 1962
Dixie Drive-In Theatre - Old Ad As Starlite From Ron Gross
Old Ad As Starlite From Ron Gross
Dixie Drive-In Theatre - Dixie Drive-In Grand Opening Ad 6-3-48
Dixie Drive-In Grand Opening Ad 6-3-48
Dixie Drive-In Theatre - Dixie Drive-In Ad 6-1-48
Dixie Drive-In Ad 6-1-48
Dixie Drive-In Theatre - Actual 1960S Drive-In Alley Aerial 5-28-61
Actual 1960S Drive-In Alley Aerial 5-28-61
Dixie Drive-In Theatre - Monroe Aerial 4-21-57
Monroe Aerial 4-21-57
Dixie Drive-In Theatre - Dixie Aerial 4-29-49
Dixie Aerial 4-29-49
Dixie Drive-In Theatre - Toledo Blade 1949
Toledo Blade 1949
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