Lakewood Inn - Battle Creek MI

Address: 315 W Columbia Ave
City: Battle Creek
State: MI
Zip: 49015
County: Calhoun
Number of visits to this page: 3652

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

I found an article indicating this place was opened in 1961 by the son of LaVern "Speed" Eddinger, who had operated Speed's Market (and later Lakeview Dining Room on Capital Ave) in the area. LaVern passed away suddenly and eventually his son Richard (also nicknamed "Speed") took over the dining room from his mom. He renamed the place Speed's Hangout then later renamed it again to Speed's Koffee Shop which became an area chain. After opening a few more burger joints, they opened the Lakeview Inn on Goguac Lake, their first attempt at a fine dining establishment.

The place eventually changed hands by or before 1976 when Mark Steinbrunner took over. By 1980, the place had closed and was put up for sale. Eventually it became H20, then Pasche's, a seafood and BBQ restaurant in 2015. The 2015 article on that indicated the property was "struggling" so apparently the Lakewood Inn and H20 weren't doing so well. As of 2022 I am not sure what is happening with the property. Google Maps doesn't seem to indicate there is a business there although the building seems intact. I will keep digging on that.

There is still a Speed's Koffee Shop operating as of 2022 at 1425 W Michigan Ave in Battle Creek. I will probably create a separate page for that.

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Lakewood Inn - Old Postcard And Promos
Old Postcard And Promos
Lakewood Inn - Old Postcard And Promos
Old Postcard And Promos
Lakewood Inn - Old Postcard And Promos
Old Postcard And Promos
Lakewood Inn - Old Postcard And Promos
Old Postcard And Promos
Lakewood Inn - Old Postcard And Promos
Old Postcard And Promos
Lakewood Inn - Old Postcard And Promos
Old Postcard And Promos
Lakewood Inn - 1965 Expansion
1965 Expansion
Lakewood Inn - 1976 Ad Battle Creek Enquirer
1976 Ad Battle Creek Enquirer
Lakewood Inn - 1976 Steinbrunner Is Owner
1976 Steinbrunner Is Owner
Lakewood Inn - 2003 Article On Speed Eddinger
2003 Article On Speed Eddinger
Lakewood Inn - 2010 Obit For Another Former Owner
2010 Obit For Another Former Owner
Lakewood Inn - 2012 Street View
2012 Street View
Lakewood Inn - 2015 Article On Pasches
2015 Article On Pasches
Lakewood Inn - 2019 Obit For Original Owner
2019 Obit For Original Owner
Lakewood Inn - Jan 1980 - Up For Sale After Closing
Jan 1980 - Up For Sale After Closing © 2025 Over 85,956,194 Served