HomeRestaurants and DiningJ.T. Thornberry's (Tick Toc Lounge)

J.T. Thornberry's (Tick Toc Lounge) - Mt Morris MI

Address: 8533 N Saginaw St
City: Mt Morris
State: MI
Zip: 48458
County: Genesee
Number of visits to this page: 1968

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

I found the remains of this place while looking for another location along that stretch of road. As I researched it, I found a family dynasty of sorts. It was operated by Curtis Jablonski and his father Raymond. Raymond opened the place as the Tick Toc Lounge by 1966 or before. When Curtis came on board the name was changed to J.T. Thornberry's. According to public records it appears this happened in 1987.

The family operated other bar/restaurants around the area as well such as J.J. Shakers, Bosley's, the Country Squire, the Beech Tree, R.C. Cooper's/Brentwood Banquet Center, and Celebrations nightclub. Earlier on Ray had the Northtown Bakery with his father Albert, Home Juice Co, Donut King, and King Richard's Drive Inn. I will need to research those also. This location was destroyed by fire many years ago and razed. All that remains is the sign and some of the floor. Apparently there were volleyball courts on the premises which are also evident in some of the remains.

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J.T. Thornberrys (Tick Toc Lounge) - Street View
Street View
J.T. Thornberrys (Tick Toc Lounge) - Street View
Street View
J.T. Thornberrys (Tick Toc Lounge) - Street View
Street View
J.T. Thornberrys (Tick Toc Lounge) - Street View
Street View
J.T. Thornberrys (Tick Toc Lounge) - 1966 Aerial
1966 Aerial
J.T. Thornberrys (Tick Toc Lounge) - Thornberry Name Established 1987
Thornberry Name Established 1987
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