HomeRestaurants and DiningFrosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomer's Burgers)

Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomer's Burgers) - Tecumseh MI

Address: 903 W Chicago
City: Tecumseh
State: MI
Zip: 49221
County: Lenawee
Number of visits to this page: 1971

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

This one is a bit of a grab bag. We have a Frosty Freeze in Tecumseh at 903 W Chicago that becomes a Boomer's Burgers, then moves to 1314 W Chicago but also has another Boomer's in Adrian MI on 1019 N Main. I figure they're all related so I would document them here. They're also all gone, demolished and replaced.

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Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - Tecumseh - 903 W Chicago 1 - Yearbook Ad
Tecumseh - 903 W Chicago 1 - Yearbook Ad
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - Tecumseh - 903 W Chicago 3 - 1972 Yearbook Ad
Tecumseh - 903 W Chicago 3 - 1972 Yearbook Ad
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - Tecumseh 1973 Yearbook Ad
Tecumseh 1973 Yearbook Ad
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - Tecumseh 1983 Yearbook Ad
Tecumseh 1983 Yearbook Ad
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - Tecumseh 1985 Yearbook Ad
Tecumseh 1985 Yearbook Ad
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - Tecumseh 1986 Yearbook Ad
Tecumseh 1986 Yearbook Ad
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - 1974 1314 W Chicago Tecumseh
1974 1314 W Chicago Tecumseh
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - 903 W Chicago Tecumseh
903 W Chicago Tecumseh
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - 1314 W Chicago Tecumseh
1314 W Chicago Tecumseh
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - Tecumseh - 903 W Chicago 2 - 2009 Street View
Tecumseh - 903 W Chicago 2 - 2009 Street View
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - 1965 903 W Chicago Location
1965 903 W Chicago Location
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - 1971 1314 W Chicago
1971 1314 W Chicago
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - 1019 N Main Adrian Location
1019 N Main Adrian Location
Frosty Freeze Drive-In (Boomers Burgers) - Oct 1991 Ad For Tecumseh
Oct 1991 Ad For Tecumseh
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