Tecumseh Opera House - Tecumseh MI

Address: 123 South 3rd St
City: Tecumseh
State: MI
Zip: 49286
County: Lenawee
Owner History:
Theater Type: N/A
Number of visits to this page: 10835

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General Information:

From Paul Petoskey

The Tecumseh Opera House is located on the west side of court house square at 123 South 3rd St., in the historic downtown Tecumseh district. Constructed in 1880 by W. R. Spicknell and W. H, Hassett of bricks manufactured by Spicknell in Tecumseh, the building was purchased by Henry Goodman a "popular young merchant" (Johnson county Journal, 6 May 1980) before its completion.

The Two-part Commercial Block structure measures 76 feet wide by 80 feet long; the architect was Mr. W. L. Dunlap. It has a pitched, tar-covered roof, which has sustained some rain damage but was subsequently repaired. Access to the second-floor auditorium is by way of a wide stairway on the north end of the building. No ticket window remains.

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Tecumseh Opera House - 1907 From Paul
1907 From Paul
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