HomeRestaurants and DiningShores Restaurant and Kabaret Lounge (The Embers)

Shores Restaurant and Kabaret Lounge (The Embers) - St. Ignace MI

Address: 1451 I-75BL
City: St. Ignace
State: MI
Zip: 49781
County: Mackinac
Number of visits to this page: 3323

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General Information:

I would estimate this restaurant goes back to the 50's or 60's. Back in those days it was operated by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gosciniak. It had a lounge that featured live music and dancing. It sat next to the beautiful Sands Motel in Evergreen Shores. This place was so vintage-looking in it's prime it is beyond belief. It operated under a few different names over the years, it seems "The Embers" was the final version before it closed. As of 2023 the structure is partially demolished.

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Shores Restaurant and Kabaret Lounge (The Embers) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Shores Restaurant and Kabaret Lounge (The Embers) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Shores Restaurant and Kabaret Lounge (The Embers) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Shores Restaurant and Kabaret Lounge (The Embers) - 2016
Shores Restaurant and Kabaret Lounge (The Embers) - 2018
Shores Restaurant and Kabaret Lounge (The Embers) - 2021
Shores Restaurant and Kabaret Lounge (The Embers) - Matchbook
Shores Restaurant and Kabaret Lounge (The Embers) - Matchbook
Shores Restaurant and Kabaret Lounge (The Embers) - Sept 1969 Ad
Sept 1969 Ad
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