HomeDrive-In TheatersCheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Cheboygan, MI

Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Cheboygan MI

Address: 9854 N. Straits Highway (US-27)
City: Cheboygan
State: MI
Zip: 49721
County: Cheboygan
Open: 1952 (7-11-52) AD
Closed: N/A
Capacity: 26
Owner History: John Wagner (1952) Charles Leneschmidt (1965) E.Wagner (1977) R. J. Theatres (1985)
Number of visits to this page: 14623
General Information:

The Cheboygan Drive-In was demolished around 1983 according to an employee of the gas station that is situated directly in front of the screen tower, none of the structures except the ticket booth remain.

Info Updates:
No Updates Found

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Summer 2013 From Ron
Summer 2013 From Ron
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Summer 2013 From Ron
Summer 2013 From Ron
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth Flash
Ticket Booth Flash
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth
Ticket Booth
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth
Ticket Booth
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth Now
Ticket Booth Now
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth
Ticket Booth
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth
Ticket Booth
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth
Ticket Booth
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Inside Ticket Booth Now
Inside Ticket Booth Now
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Inside Ticket Booth Now And Sign
Inside Ticket Booth Now And Sign
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth In The Headlights
Ticket Booth In The Headlights
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Maybe Remains Of Screen
Maybe Remains Of Screen
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Driveway
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Cheboygan Screen
Cheboygan Screen
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Cheboygan Screen
Cheboygan Screen
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Cheboygan Concession
Cheboygan Concession
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Cheboygan Sign
Cheboygan Sign
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Cheboygan Concession
Cheboygan Concession
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Cheboygan Screen
Cheboygan Screen
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - 1977 Aerial
1977 Aerial
Cheboygan Drive-In Theatre - Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
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