HomeDrive-In TheatersPortage Drive-In Theatre - Kalamazoo, MI

Portage Drive-In Theatre - Kalamazoo MI

Address: 5528 Portage Rd
City: Kalamazoo
State: MI
Zip: 49001
County: Kalamazoo
Open: 1948 (7-8-48) AD
Closed: 1983
Capacity: 400
Owner History: Albert Ochs (1948-61) Butterfield Theatres (1961-83)
Number of visits to this page: 14990
General Information:

Source: TB

This Drive-In did indeed have "stepped" ramps, where one was slightly higher than the one in front of it. It closed after the 1983 season due to a combination of declining attendance, light pollution problems from the growing area around the Drive-In, plus the fact the property it sat on was more valuable the the income from the theatre itself. It was then torn down a couple of years later and a Sam's Club store was built on the site. It would eventually move to another location and State Farm Insurance later moved into the building.

Click the following links for locations of interest nearby:
Info Updates:
6/6/2005 - Jeff Kline
I remember going to this drive in the year before it closed. It was located right across the street from the Kalamazoo airport and I think was one of the coolest drive in ever. If I remember right, it had tiered parking ,(like the stadium seating in the new modern theaters of today.)
1/6/2003 - Drive-Ins.com
Site is now home to a State Farm Insurance building.

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

Portage Drive-In Theatre - Auto Aerial 10-27-56 Courtesy Tbr757 Portage District Library
Auto Aerial 10-27-56 Courtesy Tbr757 Portage District Library
Portage Drive-In Theatre - Auto Aerial 10-27-56 Courtesy Tbr757 Portage District Library
Auto Aerial 10-27-56 Courtesy Tbr757 Portage District Library
Portage Drive-In Theatre - Now - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Now - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Portage Drive-In Theatre - Ad - Photo From Rg
Ad - Photo From Rg
Portage Drive-In Theatre - Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
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