HomeMotels and HotelsPine Chata Motel (Pine Chata Family Resort)

Pine Chata Motel (Pine Chata Family Resort) - Cadillac MI

Address: 5936 M-55
City: Cadillac
State: MI
Zip: 49601
County: Wexford
Number of visits to this page: 1348

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General Information:

The Pine Chata Motel was built in 1968 according to LoopNet. There is now a building in what used to be the front courtyard so it is largely blocked from the street. Maybe that was the living quarters and office for the motel? The motel was once operated by Gordon Terry. According to Yelp and Google, it is closed as of 2023.

From the old web listing "We have very clean uniquely decorated rooms with one or two double beds and two efficiency suites. Each room is equipped with all that you need: color television, cable with HBO, phones, air conditioning/electric heat, and most with microwave oven and/or refrigerator. For the snowmobiler, the trail runs right through the resort property and there is ample vehicle/trailer parking. We have beach access and an 80 foot boat dock on Lake Mitchell. We have excellent dining and pizza right next door."

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Pine Chata Motel (Pine Chata Family Resort) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Pine Chata Motel (Pine Chata Family Resort) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Pine Chata Motel (Pine Chata Family Resort) - 2023 Street View
2023 Street View
Pine Chata Motel (Pine Chata Family Resort) - Sign Photo
Sign Photo
Pine Chata Motel (Pine Chata Family Resort) - Vintage Ad
Vintage Ad
Pine Chata Motel (Pine Chata Family Resort) - Sep 22 1974 Former Owner Passes Away
Sep 22 1974 Former Owner Passes Away
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