Summit Place Cinemas - Pontiac MI

Address: 429 North Telegraph Road
City: Pontiac
State: MI
Zip: 48328
County: Oakland
Open: 1973
Owner History: National Amusements / Redstone
Theater Type: Shopping Center - Early Multiplex
Number of visits to this page: 12642

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

AKA Cinema 1 & 2, Cinema I II III, Pontiac Mall Cinemas

The Pontiac Mall Cinema I & II was opened March 14, 1973. This was another twin where GCC split the larger auditorium in half. In 1983 it was taken over by National Amusements and was closed in 1993. It was demolished in 2014.

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Info Updates:
5/15/2016 - J
The band Frontier Ruckus used this cinema as the cover of their album Deadmalls & Nightfalls and a lot of their lyrics are about Summit Place Mall. (I can't include photos for some reason, but a quick Google will show you. ) They also do a music video outside of this place. Just another random bit for you guys. Oh, and in 2015 Oakland County Police Department was doing test-driving through the parking lot.
3/16/2014 - Bob
First, to my personal knowledge, the old Summit Place Cinemas had 3 screens, not 2. Here goes. Me & one other gent were the final managers there at Summit in the 90's. I was there when it closed. The mall next door was open, but has since shut down, too. It was sad to hear, but they didn't put much money into it or keep it more up to date. We always got the movies as they were weaning down from the other two big ones nearby. I had friends visit, family visit, lots of Mom's or teachers with their kids or students to the cartoons, and others just looking to relax under the screen where it wasn't jam packed & hard to sit comfortably. Admission was less, but of course popcorn wasn't! I worked as cashier for them at another location back in the 80's. That one & the two larger ones nearby were torn down way before Summit this month. Another in Auburn Hills is still standing, but empty for years. I hadn't even heard it was going down yet, but found out as I passed by on 3/14/14. It was a fond flashback still passing by Summit so often here. As I say, tho, at least I got a parting gift from them. They told me take the poster frames that were on the front of the building if I wanted to. So I did! I still have a ton of posters to fit them, too! Oh, the flashback. I still miss the little thing, but a good memory to ponder on once in awhile. So long, Summit.
2/22/2011 - Jeff Farmer
Yes, this was in fact Summit Place Cinemas 1-3. These are the correct pictures. The picture under the other Summit Place Cinema article is actually just a picture of an entrance into Summit Place Mall FYI.
7/27/2008 - Unknown
General Cinemas sold this theater to National Amusements in 1983 and it was converted to three screens. Capacities were as follows: 1-576, 2-395, 3-376

(Is this the same as "Summit Place Cinemas"?)
Summit Place Cinemas - Early 2000S
Early 2000S
Summit Place Cinemas - Early 2000S
Early 2000S
Summit Place Cinemas - Early 2000S
Early 2000S
Summit Place Cinemas - Early 2000S
Early 2000S
Summit Place Cinemas - Early 2000S
Early 2000S
Summit Place Cinemas - Early 2000S
Early 2000S
Summit Place Cinemas - Early 2000S
Early 2000S
Summit Place Cinemas - Early 2000S
Early 2000S
Summit Place Cinemas - Early 2000S
Early 2000S
Summit Place Cinemas - Early 2000S
Early 2000S
Summit Place Cinemas - 1973 Ad
1973 Ad
Summit Place Cinemas - 1973-03-14 Ad
1973-03-14 Ad
Summit Place Cinemas - Fall 2010 From Jami Iagulli
Fall 2010 From Jami Iagulli © 2025 Over 82,436,070 Served