Traverse Bay Cinema - Williamsburg MI

Address: 4230 M 72 E
City: Williamsburg
State: MI
Zip: 49690
County: Grand Traverse
Open: Dec 14 1984
Capacity: 890
Owner History: Butterfield Theaters, Kerasotes Theaters, GKC Theaters
Theater Type: Shopping Center - Early Multiplex
Number of visits to this page: 5476

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

AKA Grand Traverse Cinemas

A short-lived multiplex located east of Traverse City in the community of Williamsburg. Opened in 1985, it closed around 2001. The building is now Williamsburg Banquet & Confererence Center.

From J. Perkette:

Total Seating Capacity for this theater was 890. It opened on December 14, 1984 and it''s last day of operation was October 2, 1997. It was built by Butterfield Theaters in 1984 and was acquired by Kerasotes Theaters in 1985. Then was owned by GKC Theaters until its closure.

Click the following links for locations of interest nearby:
Info Updates:
3/5/2023 - J. Perkette
Total Seating Capacity for this theater was 890. It opened on December 14, 1984 and it''s last day of operation was October 2, 1997. It was built by Butterfield Theaters in 1984 and was acquired by Kerasotes Theaters in 1985. Then was owned by GKC Theaters until its closure.
2/9/2004 - King Chuck
The former Traverse Bay Cinema is being converted to a banquet hall for weddings and social occasions. As a matter of fact, a huge kitchen is being attached to the theatre's former lobby.
Traverse Bay Cinema - October 2002 Photo
October 2002 Photo
Traverse Bay Cinema - October 2002 Photo
October 2002 Photo
Traverse Bay Cinema - October 2002 Photo
October 2002 Photo
Traverse Bay Cinema - October 2002 Photo
October 2002 Photo
Traverse Bay Cinema - October 2002 Photo
October 2002 Photo
Traverse Bay Cinema - October 2002 Photo
October 2002 Photo
Traverse Bay Cinema - October 2002 Photo
October 2002 Photo
Traverse Bay Cinema - From American Classic Images
From American Classic Images
Traverse Bay Cinema - 2019 Street View
2019 Street View
Traverse Bay Cinema - Gt Theater Grand Opening Tomorrow12-13-84 From J Perkette
Gt Theater Grand Opening Tomorrow12-13-84 From J Perkette
Traverse Bay Cinema - Gt Theater Opening Record Eagle Article 12-13-84 From J Perkette
Gt Theater Opening Record Eagle Article 12-13-84 From J Perkette
Traverse Bay Cinema - Z03gt Theater Grand Opening 12-14-84 From J Perkette
Z03gt Theater Grand Opening 12-14-84 From J Perkette © 2025 Over 82,668,941 Served