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The Super Cinema opened in 1992 as part of the M-78 Drive-In Theater complex. The original idea was the 2 would co-exist but that's not what happened. Originally, National was going to open a full blown, much larger Showcase Cinema of the kind that populated many towns around the state at that time. There were blueprints found for that inside of the old M-78 offices which had been vandalized and opened up. Instead, they scaled back and opened it as a second-run bargain house. From what I recall the plan was identical to a Super Cinema that was in Ohio, which has also since closed.
Instead of both complexes operating, National closed the M-78 Drive-In. Honestly the Super Cinema struggled from day one. At that time there wasn't much around the theater so it was a bit of a hike to go out there. There wasn't anything special about it, just a smallish, nondescript multiplex. It closed in 2000 as National was pretty much giving up on many of its theaters.