Pines Theatre - Bay City MI

Address: 1214 Columbus Ave
City: Bay City
State: MI
Zip: 48708
County: Bay
Open: 1924
Owner History: Bernstein Theatres
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 5017

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General Information:

AKA Columbus, Tivoli, Pictureland, Bay City Players

The Pines Theater operated from 1940 until 1950. Currently it home of the Bay City Players theatre group which has expanded and modernized the building.

Source: Jack R. Miller

Currently used by the Bay City Players for live performances, this film theatre was operated by the small Bernstein chain, in the 30's and 40's it was known as the Tivoli and remodeled in the early 40's to become the Pines. It was again remodeled by the Bay City Players and looks quite different now.

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Pines Theatre - From The Bay Journal
From The Bay Journal
Pines Theatre - July 31 2022
July 31 2022
Pines Theatre - As Of 2005 From John Mcdowell
As Of 2005 From John Mcdowell © 2025 Over 82,728,576 Served