Maxine Theatre - Croswell MI

Address: 91 N. Howard Avenue
City: Croswell
State: MI
Zip: 48422
County: Sanilac
Open: 1920
Owner History: Charles Whitebread
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 7562

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Currently Croswell Motor Parts

Source: Andy Gray

Another Michigan theater slide, shot by my grandfather A.S. "Al" Johnson in August 1948, shows the Maxine Theatre located at 91 N. Howard Avenue** **in Croswell, Michigan. I really like this image because the three bystanders in front of the theater almost look like they were posed. Al's son Bud's theater job list does not include the Maxine, so if Johnson Construction Co. remodeled the theater, it's not clear what year it might have occurred.

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Info Updates:
2/26/2015 - Rick Van Conant
I worked there a couple of times changing carbon arcs in the projector. When I was there the movie showing was The days of Wine and Roses This would have been early 60's and the Teslucks were the owners.
1/22/2010 - Robert Benko
I used to work there, changing the marquis and taking tickets in the 1950's, maybe 1954-55. I worked with a girl named Shirley Labadie. She sold tickets. Sam Burrows was owner and manager. There was no balcony when I was there. My brother, George Benko, was part owner with Charlie Whitebread.
10/27/2004 - Ron Glowczewski
The Maxine opened July 5, 1920. The first film shown there was "Romance and Arabella". It sat 650 people. Theres conflicting memories with town elders as if it had a balcony or not. It probably did. I am the proud owner of one of the pull chain urinals from the Maxine.
2/9/2004 - Joe Smith
The last owners were the Teslucks. Old man Tesluck ran adult films there at night. The Maxine closed October 31, 1964. It was named after the builder, William Carter's daughter, Maxine.
2/9/2004 - Box Office Magazine
August 1958 - Bill Clark is taking over buying for and booking of films for Alex Dubovenko's Almont Theatre at Almont and for the two run by the Tesluck family, the Yale at Yale and Maxine at Croswell.
10/6/2003 - Ron Glowczewski
The last movie shown there was The Beatles A Hard Days Night.
10/1/2003 - Ron Glowczewski
Charles Whitebread ran the Maxine for a number of years for owners William Carter, Sam Burows, and the last owners, a Mr. and Mrs. Duncan.
8/7/2003 - Ben Marcello
The operator from about 1935 to its closing in 1965 was Charles Whitebread. He was the manager and head projectionist, however, he didn't own it. He was also the postmaster in Croswell.
Maxine Theatre - From Al Johnson
From Al Johnson
Maxine Theatre - Old Photo
Old Photo
Maxine Theatre - July 2021 Photo Of Building
July 2021 Photo Of Building
Maxine Theatre - July 2021 Photo Of Building
July 2021 Photo Of Building © 2025 Over 82,715,267 Served