Rex Theatre - Ironwood MI 

Address: 115 W. Aurora Street
City: Ironwood
State: MI
Zip: 49938
County: Gogebic
Open: 1916
Owner History:
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 4612

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

The Rex Theater was opened on November 4, 1916 with Clara Kimball Young in “The Common Law”. It was part of the Ironwood Amusement Corporation in the 1950’s and 1960’s. The company also owned the Ironwood Theatre and the Ironwood Drive-In in Ironwood as well as the Range Theatre in Hurley, Wisconsin. The Rex Theater was eventually sold and was demolished in March/April 1961. The site became a parking lot. [Cinema Treasures]

Info Updates:
2/13/2004 - Greg Bellamy
My parents are both from Ironwood, a now small town at the very farthest west end of the UP. (Farther west, by the way, than St. Louis MO.) I still have many relatives in town. Although small today with a population of about 5,000, Ironwood was a major Michigan town in the late 19th century with a population of over 20,000. The Gogebic Range produced much of the iron ore that allowed steel production in Detroit, Cleveland, and Buffalo. It was still doing fairlly well into the early 20th century, and as such had reason to have several theatres to entertain the thousands of ore miners from dozens of mines. In addition to the still surviving Ironwood and the listed-in-your-list Morgan the third theatre of the teens/twenties was the Rex. I have a page from "Photoplay News/Red Theatre" framed in my living room, and will get it scanned if you wish. The picture playing was "Sea Hawk" starring Milton Sills and an all-star cast. I believe the Rex was across the street from the Ironwood on Aurora (as in borealis, by the way). The Morgan, if Im not mistaken, was on Suffolk St., just around the corner.
Rex Theatre - 15 Jul 1961 Article On Razing Of Theater Bldg For Store
15 Jul 1961 Article On Razing Of Theater Bldg For Store
Rex Theatre - June 7 1920 Daily Globe
June 7 1920 Daily Globe
Rex Theatre - March 29 1971
March 29 1971
Rex Theatre - March 30 1961 Article On Razing
March 30 1961 Article On Razing
Rex Theatre - Review In Wakefield News Jun 11 1927
Review In Wakefield News Jun 11 1927
Rex Theatre - Sept 25 1953 Another Clue On The Location
Sept 25 1953 Another Clue On The Location
Rex Theatre - Street View Of Empty Lot Where Rex Once Stood
Street View Of Empty Lot Where Rex Once Stood © 2025 Over 81,761,550 Served