Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe MI

Address: 309 E Huron Ave
City: Bad Axe
State: MI
Zip: 48413
County: Huron
Capacity: 370
Owner History: Rick Farris
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 11511

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Cinema Treasures

This classic small town movie theatre in Bad Axe, Michigan is depicted in Popcorn Palaces, the book about the history of small town theaters (which includes paintings by Davis Cone). In recent years, the balcony was enclosed to create a second auditorium.

Source: Andy Gray

This photo of the Bad Axe Theatre, was taken in September 1948 by my grandfather A.S. “Al” Johnson, who remodeled the theater in 1935 and again in 1947. The theater is located in an old Knights of Columbus building at 309 E. Huron Avenue in Bad Axe, Michigan, and it’s still open.

The image of the theater shows four red "art moderne" style entrance doors with half-octagonal glass. These doors, or identical replacements, are seen in a 2020 view of the theater, and are typical of several theaters that Al built or remodeled in the 1940’s and ‘50s. The Cinema Treasures site says: "This classic small town movie theatre in Bad Axe, Michigan opened on February 21, 1916 with 500 seats."

Photo update from Andy Gray 8-11-2022

These are the remaining photos of the 1947 Bad Axe Theatre opening party that I found recently in Al Johnson’s papers. Al’s wife Anne Johnson (my grandmother) can be seen looking at the photographer as she sips from a coffee or tea cup in the second photo. Anne Bannick Guigar of Bad Axe, believes the guitar player/singer in the second photo is her dad Arlen Bannick. He’s still alive and I’m waiting for her to confirm that for me.

Mark Rolfe is the current owner and he also operates Longshot Lanes in town.

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Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe Theatre Photo Al Johnson 1949
Bad Axe Theatre Photo Al Johnson 1949
Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe Theatre September 1948 From A S Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre September 1948 From A S Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre - Summer 2020
Summer 2020
Bad Axe Theatre - Recent Shot
Recent Shot
Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre - Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre Opening Party 1947 - Al Johnson
Bad Axe Theatre - June 12 1953 Ad
June 12 1953 Ad
Bad Axe Theatre - Pigeon Progress Fri May 16 1952 Theater Ads
Pigeon Progress Fri May 16 1952 Theater Ads © 2025 Over 81,522,801 Served