Loma Theatre - Coloma MI

Address: 221 N Paw Paw St
City: Coloma
State: MI
Zip: 49038
County: Berrien
Owner History:
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 11338

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Larry Heyns

The Loma is within walking distance of our house. I am always amazed that a small town theater can show "first run" movies. The Loma is part of the Moore Theatres chain that also has theaters in Otsego, South Haven and Niles. Years ago, it was remodeled from a single screen to three screens. This makes for some weird stairways, etc. The upstairs theater is wide with few rows.

The two downstairs theaters are long and narrow. The $5.50 admission price includes free pop and pop corn. Other Moore theaters have different prices. The freebies leave you with a warm, fuzzy feeling compared to the way you feel when you pay an arm and leg for pop corn at Benton Harbor's Celebration theater. Local historian Bill Beverly presented free slide shows about Coloma and Paw Paw Lake during the Glad-Peach Festival.

I always appreciated that the Loma donated their facility for this slide show. Mr. Beverly was able to take questions from the audience. After his death, the library has taken over the history show. It is not the same.

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Info Updates:
6/23/2008 - John McDowell
Just received the book "Boxoffice Open"

There it states that it became a furniture store in 1959, but turned back to a theatre in 1965.
10/13/2006 - Erik Kilmark
Too cool! My great-grandmother was Ethel Kilmark. My father (Don C. Kilmark), her grandson, always bragged about the Loma. I remember seeing it as a child and I'm glad to see that it's still around today!! Erik Kilmark, Indianapolis, IN
12/18/2003 - Box Office Magazine
1960 - The Loma Theatre at Caloma has been sold by Mrs. C. C. Alguire and her daughter Ethel Kilmark to Tom Derosa, who will remodel it for use as a furniture store. The Alguire family has operated a theatre at Coloma since 1913 when Claude and Clinton Alguire leased a house, then newly rebuilt after a fire. Clinton Algure took over his brother's interesta year later, and operated the theatre until 1917 when he retired because of ill health. At that time his wife Louise and Mrs. Leon Vogt bought the business. Mrs. Alguire became sole owner on her partner's death and it was subsequently sold to Mrs. Kilmark. The old house was replaced by the Loma in 1935. The building was destroyed by fire in 1943, and rebuilt. Mrs. Kilmark also operated the Fleet Theatre in Watervliet for about three years, disposing of that house about four years ago. Note from Webmaster at WaterWinterWonderland: Clearly the furniture store idea did not happen as the Loma is alive and well today!
12/18/2003 - Box Office Magazine
May 1959 - Mrs. Ethel Kilmark reopened the Loma at Caloma.
Loma Theatre - July 2 2022 Photo
July 2 2022 Photo
Loma Theatre - July 2 2022 Photo
July 2 2022 Photo
Loma Theatre - Fall 2010 From Dan Martin
Fall 2010 From Dan Martin
Loma Theatre - Recent Pic
Recent Pic
Loma Theatre - Fall 2010 From Dan Martin
Fall 2010 From Dan Martin
Loma Theatre - 03 Jan 2018 Seating Upgrade
03 Jan 2018 Seating Upgrade
Loma Theatre - 15 Aug 1959 Ad
15 Aug 1959 Ad
Loma Theatre - 23 Nov 1943 Article On Remodel
23 Nov 1943 Article On Remodel
Loma Theatre - Mar 04 1964 Article
Mar 04 1964 Article
Loma Theatre - March 31 1983
March 31 1983
Loma Theatre - The Herald Palladium Fri Jun 26 1998
The Herald Palladium Fri Jun 26 1998
Loma Theatre - The Herald Palladium Fri Oct 28 1983
The Herald Palladium Fri Oct 28 1983
Loma Theatre - The Herald Palladium Sat May 12 1984
The Herald Palladium Sat May 12 1984
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