Capitol Theatre - Flint MI

Address: 140 E 2nd St # 42
City: Flint
State: MI
Zip: 48502
County: Genesee
Open: 1928
Capacity: 1900
Owner History: Butterfield Theatres
Theater Type: Downtown Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 19480

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Web

In the 1920s, two of the biggest names in entertainment came together, theater mogul W. S. Butterfield and architect John Eberson. Together they created a litany of classic theaters including the State Theatre in Kalamazoo, the Majestic in San Antonio, Texas Constellation, and Flints Capitol Theatre. "The Capitol Theatre is an atmospheric type theatre whose interior design incorporates diverse Mediterranean architectural elements, executed on a grand scale. The Capitol Theatre is an outstanding example of 1920s theater architecture and one that epitomizes the atmospheric theatre concept of its architecture.

The Capitol was the seventy-fourth theatre in the Butterfield Theatre chain. At its completion in 1928, it was Flint’s largest theatre and among Butterfields most lavish. The Capitol Theatre is significant for its direct association with two of Americas foremost innovators in theatre management and design and for its grandiose architectural character". The original program opening the Capitol Theatre began with this greeting: "Welcome to the Capitol Theatre, a touch of Italy transferred in its seductive charms to the City of Flint. Here ancient culture and art rub shoulders with the ultra-modern art of the cinema. With a heavy handclasp, we bid you a cordial welcome and trust that the hours spent within the shrine of entertainment will be the means of making your days more joyful. It will even be our purpose to provide the best in music, photoplays and stage presentations of the ultra in the field variety".

The Capitol Theatre's past and future destiny is truly a shrine of entertainment. This wonderful building has been recognized and is listed in the local, state, and national list of historic places. The current owners have perfectly preserved the property over the past twenty-two years and the time has come to restore this facility. It will serve as one of the channels to the revitalization of downtown Flint.

Info Updates:
3/4/2024 - J.L. Massimino
The Capitol Theatre has had major changes since the information posted on this site. It was purchased in 2015 and a complete restoration was completed in 2017. A history is here:
4/9/2018 - Alan DeVoe
The theatre has recently been restored and opened. The historic downtown site underwent a $37 million restoration to bring the 90-year-old facility in Flint back to working order and was shown off through an opening ceremony on Thursday, Dec. 7.
2/10/2018 - Becky Scott
The Lady Barton organ that was housed in the Capitol Theatre is now housed at the Flint Institute of Music. The Flint Theatre Organ Club has enjoyed performing many concerts on the organ. It has been at the FIM for many years. I want to say 30 plus.
7/23/2016 - Kenneth Sherman
Work has finally begun on the restoration of the Capitol. In 14-16 months we wil have an awesome new asset to our growing downtown. At a cost of 32 million dollars they are completely redoing the whole building and bringing back it's original grandeur. They are removing the plain 3rd story addition on the west side of the building and recreating the Terra Cotta on the roofline just like the remainder of the building. They are also recreating the coffered barrel ceiling in the lobby.
7/23/2016 - Dastardly Dan
The theater is now being restored with around $25 million in funding ($20 mil from private foundations, and another $5 mil from the state).
11/11/2010 - Bruce Brock
In the 1950s early 60's the Capitol was THE movie theater in Flint. As a boy I was thrilled with the atmospheric style that made one think they were outdoors in an Italian garden. The ceiling twinkled with stars. Dad told me that years before clouds were projected on the ceiling and moved about. The Capitol Theater organ was spectacular. I think I was instrumental in having the organ played between shows and intermissions. What a beautiful place. Then they restored it sometime in the early 60s. They reopened the Capitol with Around the World in 80 Days. The theater was more plain then. Everything was a shade of grey with much of the ornamental detail removed. But it was still a special place for some time. You have my VOTE to have U of M restore the Capitol to it's original state. The theater organ was donated to U of M and is somewhere and is workable.
1/6/2003 - Cinema Tour
This theater was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1985.
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Capitol Theatre - New Marquee 2007 From Gary Flinn
New Marquee 2007 From Gary Flinn © 2025 Over 82,671,368 Served