Fallasburg Covered Bridge - Lowell MI

Address: 13944 Covered Bridge Rd NE
City: Lowell
State: MI
Zip: 49331
County: Kent
Number of visits to this page: 2019

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General Information:

Note: According to Google Maps as of 2023, the bridge is closed permanently.

From Wikipedia

This location along the Flat was settled by two brothers from Tompkins County, New York. John W. and Silas S. Fallas settled here in 1837, founding the village, a stop on the main stage route from Ionia to Grand Rapids, and constructing a chair factory (considered an important precursor to the furniture industry in the Grand Rapids area), saw mill and grist mill.

This bridge is at least the second bridge across the Flat at this location, although records are unclear. It is known that a bridge was built here in 1840, and was subsequently destroyed by ice jams and flooding. At least one other predecessor to this bridge is believed to also have been constructed, and destroyed in a similar manner, but records are unclear. In 1871, Jared N. Bresee, builder of the Ada Covered Bridge in nearby Ada, was contracted to build the present structure at a cost of $1500.

The bridge has had repairs and strengthenings over the years, including replacement of the original abutments with concrete in 1905, and two other extensive repair sessions in 1945, and 1994. Because the various repairs and restorations were completed with "conscientious attention to detail", it is believed that the bridge has retained historic integrity and character.

The adjacent grist mill site was the focus of an archaeological dig by Michigan Tech industrial archaeologists in 2003. The bridge is now "a gateway to a place that time forgot," the Grand Rapids Press wrote.

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Fallasburg Covered Bridge - Web Listing Photo
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Fallasburg Covered Bridge - Old Postcard
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Fallasburg Covered Bridge - Old Postcard
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Fallasburg Covered Bridge - Old Postcard
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Fallasburg Covered Bridge - Old Postcard
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Fallasburg Covered Bridge - Old Postcard
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Fallasburg Covered Bridge - Old Postcard
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Fallasburg Covered Bridge - Old Postcard
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Fallasburg Covered Bridge - Old Postcard
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